7/3-4 | 7/1-2 | 6/3-4 | 6/1-2 | 5/3-4 | 5/1-2 | 4/3-4 / 4/1-2 | 3/3-4 | 3/1-2 | 2/4 | 2/3 | 2/1-2 | 1/2 | 1/1
Year 7, Issue 3-4 (2022) >>>
- Foreword
- Original research paper
- Natural Sciences
- Investigation of hip joint microinstability and impingement among team athletes
Krisztián Schandl, Dorottya Tóth, Máté Tóth, Rita Kecskés, Gábor Elbert, Pongrác Ács, Csilla Filó - Effect of the complex preventive program on the balance development of preschool children
Zsolt Csirkés, Orsolya Budai - Polarized and pyramidal training intensity distributions in distance running: an integrative literature review / Polarizált és piramis alakú edzésintenzitás-eloszlás a távfutásban: integráló szakirodalmi áttekintés
Bence Kelemen, Otto Benczenleitner, Laszlo Toth
- Lacza, Szabolcs Molnár, Babak Shadgan, Éva Kőrösi, Márton Jenei, Károly Mensch
- Investigation of hip joint microinstability and impingement among team athletes
- Social Sciences
- Literature review of anxiety models in sport and sport psychological interventions aiming to treat anxiety
Renátó Tóth, László Tóth
What is new in the world of Olympic sports nowadays? (Are we living in the final hours of Olympism?) Clouds on the sky of the Olympic Movement’s future.
András Nemes
- Literature review of anxiety models in sport and sport psychological interventions aiming to treat anxiety
- Natural Sciences
- PSS+
- Gyula Dallos: Introduction of the horse and Hungarian equestrian culture
Attila Sudár: Not what if (after Paris), but what would have to change (before Paris) to win the Olympic gold medal in water polo - Window to the world of sport sciences
- Gyula Dallos: Introduction of the horse and Hungarian equestrian culture
Year 7, Issue 1-2 (2022) >>>
- Foreword
- Original research paper
- Natural Sciences
- Relationship between dance and sport – differences, connections, interactions
Nóra Lezó
- Relationship between dance and sport – differences, connections, interactions
- Sport Sciences
- Comparative Analysis of Offensive Playing Situations for of Male and Female Handball Teams in the 2021 European Handball Federation, Champions League (EHF CL) Final 4
Csaba Ökrös, Dóra Kőnig-Görögh, László Liebscher, Zoltán Lehőcz, Bozsana Fekete, István Csáki - The individual and sport-type characteristics of sport bras of female athletes: a literature review
Imola Nagy, Ákos Koller, Zoltán Béla Debreczeni - Efficacy of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) safety protocol at the 2021 Wrestling European Olympic
Games Qualifier organized in Budapest
Mira Ambrus, Zsombor Lacza, Szabolcs Molnár, Babak Shadgan, Éva Kőrösi, Márton Jenei, Károly Mensch
- Comparative Analysis of Offensive Playing Situations for of Male and Female Handball Teams in the 2021 European Handball Federation, Champions League (EHF CL) Final 4
- Social Sciences
- Economic Systems and Sports: some logical homologies (In Memory of Gábor Kállai)
István Magas - Science of strategic and tactical decisions in chess
Tamás Sterbenz, Kristóf Világi, Ágoston Koch
- Economic Systems and Sports: some logical homologies (In Memory of Gábor Kállai)
- Natural Sciences
- PSS+
- Ákos Koller: Remembering Gábor Kállai
- Dr. Zsuzsanna Kneffel: Exercise and lifestyle effects in a national and international sample (habilitation summary)
- Dr. Zsombor Lacza: The athlete’s knee - diagnosis of early wear and tear of the knee joint and possibilities for regeneration (habilitation summary)
- Window to the world of sport sciences
Year 6, Issue 3-4 (2021) >>>
- Foreword
- Pál Hamar: Curriculum theory and sports science
- Original research paper
- Natural Sciences
- Investigation of relationship between high-intensity micromovements and stroke accuracy using ’PlayerLoad’ and ’IMA’ mechanical indicators in junior tennis players
Péter János Tóth, SándorSáfár, Károly Dobos, Dávid Horváth, Tamás Győri, Csaba Ökrös
- Investigation of relationship between high-intensity micromovements and stroke accuracy using ’PlayerLoad’ and ’IMA’ mechanical indicators in junior tennis players
- Sport Sciences
- 800 meter race tactics in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics: a case study
Bence Kelemen, Ottó Benczenleitner, László Tóth - Analysis of 2021 Girls’ U16 European Volleyball Championship from perspective of Hungarian national team
Dóra Kőnig-Görögh, Zoltán Jókay, Tamás Győri, Csaba Ökrös - Examination of the competitive mood in Hungarian youth tennis players between 2011 and 2020
Marcell Dékány, Gábor Pelva, Bence Kopper, Csaba Ökrös
- 800 meter race tactics in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics: a case study
- Natural Sciences
- PSS+
- Ekaterina Glebova: Technological Transformation of Sports Spectators’ Customer Experiences (Doctoral Thesis Summary)
- Defended PhD theses
- Abstracts of the Student Congress on Sport Sciences 2021 of the University of Physical Education
- Window to the world of sport sciences
Year 6, Issue 1-2 (2021) >>>
- Foreword
- Original research paper
- Natural Sciences
- Pediatric and sport aspects of COVID-19
Judit Pelle
- Pediatric and sport aspects of COVID-19
- Sport Sciences
- The Application of the Thurstone Method For Evaluating Sports Results – Presenting on the EHF Women Handball Championship
László Gyarmati, Éva Mihálykóné Orbán, Csaba Mihálykó - Adaptation and validation of diet information overload scale among elite athletes
Anna Kiss, Orsolya Tompa, Zoltán Lakner, Sándor Soós - Complex effect of dance in (physical)education
Ákos Molnár, Gyöngyvér Prisztóka
- The Application of the Thurstone Method For Evaluating Sports Results – Presenting on the EHF Women Handball Championship
- Natural Sciences
- PSS+
- Window to the world of sport sciences
Year 5, Issue 3-4 (2020) >>>
- Foreword
- Original research paper
- Natural Sciences
- Effects of Cooling and Magnesium Supplementation on the Objective and Subjective Outcomes of Acute High-Intensity Rowing
Shu-Ting Li, Jia-Tzer Jang, Akos Koller
- Effects of Cooling and Magnesium Supplementation on the Objective and Subjective Outcomes of Acute High-Intensity Rowing
- Social Sciences
- Preliminary Insights as an Outsider Researcher in Female Bodybuilding and Physique Athletes
Airnel T. Abarra, Tamas Doczi
- Preliminary Insights as an Outsider Researcher in Female Bodybuilding and Physique Athletes
- Natural Sciences
- PSS+
- Habilitation summaries
- Defended PhD theses at the University of Physical Education
- Window to the world of sport sciences
Year 5, Issue 1-2 (2020) >>>
- Foreword
- Original research paper
- Physical Education and Pedagogy
- Science of physical education - Contributions to the scientific-theoretical issues of physical education and sport
Pál Hamar
- Science of physical education - Contributions to the scientific-theoretical issues of physical education and sport
- Sport Sciences
- Critical Moments in Ball Games and the Invisible Mental Dispositions - Citius, altius, fortius
István Magas
- Critical Moments in Ball Games and the Invisible Mental Dispositions - Citius, altius, fortius
- Natural Sciences
- Determining stability of center of gravity in 16-18 year old girls and boys - a pilot study to determine the normal range
László Földvári-Nagy, Gabriella Dörnyei, Ágnes Andrea Mayer, Johanna Takács, Mónika Horváth, Annamária Szénási, Ildikó Balogh, Katalin Lenti
- Determining stability of center of gravity in 16-18 year old girls and boys - a pilot study to determine the normal range
- Social Sciences
- Relocations of Sports Spectators’ Customer Experiences
Ekaterina Glebova, Michel Desbordes, Gabor Geczi - Review on health regulations of international and domestic team sport federations’ with special regard to concussion
Attila Nagy, Csaba Kiss, Anita Boros, Gabor Géczi - Municipal sports affairs – Carrying out the tasks of local governments in relation to sport through municipally owned companies in the light of the audits of the State Audit Office
Anita Boros, Róbert G. Zimányi, Gábor Géczi
- Relocations of Sports Spectators’ Customer Experiences
- Physical Education and Pedagogy
- PSS+
- Habilitation summaries
- Tradition, tradition, heritage - 150 years of the Budapest Skating Club
Eszter Szombathelyi - Window to the world of sport sciences
Year 4, Issue 3-4 (2019) >>>
- Foreword
- Original research paper
- Sport Sciences
- Analysis of CrossFit Games 2018
Gergely Pálinkás, Petridis Leonidas, Zsófia Tróznai, Katinka Utczás, Bettina Béres, Tamás Szabó
- Analysis of CrossFit Games 2018
- Natural Sciences
- Exploring the relationship between knee injuries and dynamic knee valgus
Ádám Uhlár, Eszter Fodor, Zsombor Lacza
- Exploring the relationship between knee injuries and dynamic knee valgus
- Social Sciences
- The effects of rheumatoid arthritis on Cypriot recreational athletes
Stephen Nicolaou, Efstathios Christodoulides - Cluster analysis of health behavior factors in the Hungarian Defence Forces
Attila Novák, Csaba Nyakas, Zsófia Rázsó, Andrea Sótér - Examination of Hungarian professional ice hockey players’ personality, coping strategies and stress level
Renátó Tóth, Kinga Szabó - Changes in Stadium Sports Spectators Customer Experiences
Ekaterina Glebova, Michel Desbordes, Gabor Geczi
- The effects of rheumatoid arthritis on Cypriot recreational athletes
- Sport Sciences
- PSS+
- World Congress of Sociology of Sport 2019 (ISSA)
Bence Garamvölgyi - International Sport and Innovation Conference 2019 (Program and Abstracts)
- Program of the 49th Conference on Motion Biology
- Defended PhD theses (2019)
- Window to the world of sport sciences
- World Congress of Sociology of Sport 2019 (ISSA)
Year 4, Issue 1-2 (2019) >>>
- Foreword
- Original research paper
- Natural Sciences
- Trends in football medicine: heading and concussion
Zsolt Szelid - The effect of three-week exercise programme on sleep quality and depression symptoms in female adults
Johanna Takács - Comparison of body composition estimates from dual X-ray absorptiometry and bioimpedance analysis in young athletes
Katinka Utczás, Zsófia Tróznai, Gergely Pálinkás, Irina Kalabiska, Leonidas Petridis
- Trends in football medicine: heading and concussion
- Social Sciences
- Professional identity versus gender identity: Empirical study among top-level leaders and managers in Hungarian sport
Gyöngyi Szabó Földesi, Andrea Gál - Attempts at clarifying concepts for measuring health consciousness
Tamás Freyer, Dániel Horváth, Ádám Nagy - Opportunities of professional development in the European sport sector: Introducing the ESSA-sport project and its prelimenary results
Nikolette Sipos-Onyestyák, Szilvia Perényi, Judit Farkas, Zsuzsanna Gősi, Erika Kedelényi-Gulyás
- Professional identity versus gender identity: Empirical study among top-level leaders and managers in Hungarian sport
- Natural Sciences
- PSS+
- Abstracts of the Physical Education and Sport Sciences Section of the National Student Congress on Sport Sciences 2019
- Habilitation summaries
- Habilitation summaries
- Konstans kihívások és változó megoldási kísérletek a nők sportjában
Andrea Gál
- Konstans kihívások és változó megoldási kísérletek a nők sportjában
- Window to the world of sport sciences
Year 3, Issue 3-4 (2018) >>>
- Foreword
- Original research paper
- Sport Sciences
- Curriculum theory of physical education (Theses of academic doctoral dissertation)
Pál Hamar - An overview of tennis-specific motor tests
Károly Dobos - The Battle of Jūdō and Jiu-jitsu – An Urban Legend or a Historical Fact?
Bendegúz Papp - Comparison of firearms and Pre-Charged Pneumatics air guns in terms of accuracy, recreational applicability and cost-effectiveness
Sándor Béres
- Curriculum theory of physical education (Theses of academic doctoral dissertation)
- Natural Sciences
- The effect of resting period occlusion on average velocity characteristics during 4 weeks of squat exercise protocol
Ferenc Torma, Zoltán Gombos, Péter Bakonyi, Zsolt RadákF - The effect of fatigue on the control of thigh muscles during countermovement jumps
Péter Katona, Ivett Soós
- The effect of resting period occlusion on average velocity characteristics during 4 weeks of squat exercise protocol
- Sport Sciences
- PSS+
- Development of the sport of disabled people in competitive swimming (para swimming) over the last 20 years and experiences of the Rio Paralympics
Csaba Sós - Remembering Dr. John O. Holloszy
- Abstracts of the Student Congress on Sport Sciences 2018 of the University of Physical Education
- Abstracts of the 23rd International Student Congress on Sport Sciences (ISCSS)
- Program of the 2nd Sport and Innovation International Conference
- Habilitation summaries
- Döntések elméletei és alkalmazásuk a sport gyakorlatában
Tamás Sterbenz - Sport és egészség a társadalmi integráció kontextusában
István Vingender
- Döntések elméletei és alkalmazásuk a sport gyakorlatában
- Defended PhD theses (2018)
- Window to the world of sport sciences
- Development of the sport of disabled people in competitive swimming (para swimming) over the last 20 years and experiences of the Rio Paralympics
Year 3, Issue 1-2 (2018) >>>
- Foreword
- Original research paper
- Sport Sciences
- Wrestling in the mirror of the 2016 Rio Olympics
Gábor Farkas, Károly Bretz, Tibor Barna - The impact of rule changes introduced at the Olympics on male handball
Zoltán Lehőcz - Characteristics of international female handball based on the games of semi finalist teams at the Rio Olympics
Csaba Ökrös, Gabriella Trzaskoma-Bicsérdy, Tamás Győri - The trends of best results of sprint and jumping events of Track and Field World Championships (1983-2017)
Sándor Béres - Situation of international and Hungarian gymnastics in the mirror of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games
Gergely Gyulai, Steve Butcher, Zsuzsanna Kalmár, István Hamza, Pál Hamar - Comparative analysis of mathes of the Hungarian national futball team at the 2016 European Football Championship
János Tóth jr., János Tóth
- Wrestling in the mirror of the 2016 Rio Olympics
- Social Sciences
- The economic data of sport businesses under the new funding scheme
Zsuzsanna Gősi, József Nagy
- The economic data of sport businesses under the new funding scheme
- Sport Sciences
- PSS+
- Report - Inclusive sports education in integrated pedagogy
Katalin Orbán-Sebestyén, Zsuzsanna Szilárd, Krisztina Hunyadi - Window to the world of sport sciences
- Habilitation summaries
- Nitrogén monoxid szerepe a szívbetegségek kezelésében és a sportban
Zsolt Szelid - A testmozgás és a sportolás lehetőségei megváltozott teljesítőképességgel élő emberek számára
Zsuzsanna Szilárd
- Nitrogén monoxid szerepe a szívbetegségek kezelésében és a sportban
- Report - Inclusive sports education in integrated pedagogy
Year 2, Issue 4 (2017) >>>
- Foreword
- Original research paper
- Natural sciences
- A 3D computer simulator to examine the effect of wind and altitude on a soccer ball trajectory
Alexander Egoyan, Ilia Khipashvili, Karlo Moistsrapishvili
- A 3D computer simulator to examine the effect of wind and altitude on a soccer ball trajectory
- Sport Sciences
- Playing positions and roles in European women’s basketball at the Rio Olympics
Judit Balogh
- Playing positions and roles in European women’s basketball at the Rio Olympics
- Social Sciences
- Equity examination among youth soccer players
Péter László Tóth, Tamás Dóczi - Sport psychology in 2017. The most important topics of the World Congress of the International Society of Sport Psychology
Lilla Török, Krisztina Kovács, Noémi Gyömbér, Judit Boda-Ujlaky, Ágota Lénárt - Conflict management strategies in the soccer coach-player-parents interactions
Zsolt Németh
- Equity examination among youth soccer players
- Natural sciences
- PSS+
Year 2, Issue 3 (2017) >>>
- Foreword
- Original research paper
- Sport Sciences
- Use of psychophysiological computer tests during the process of sportsmen’s preparation
Alexander Egoyan, Ilia Khipashvili - Significance of long-range shots among power forwards and centers; nowadays every player has three point attempts in basketball
Zoltán Boros, Tamás Sterbenz - Survey of international and Hungarian gymnastics and related sports based on the Rio Olympic Games
Zsuzsanna Kalmár, Gergely Gyulai, Andrea Adorjánné Olajos, Tamás Katus, Pál Hamar - Appreciation and organization of Hungarian master athletics
János Lisztóczki, Ottó Benczenleitner, Sándor Béres
- Use of psychophysiological computer tests during the process of sportsmen’s preparation
- Social Sciences
- Do we want to attend matches? Motives influencing attendance in Hungarian football games
Lili Kassay
- Do we want to attend matches? Motives influencing attendance in Hungarian football games
- Sport Sciences
- Window to the world of sport sciences
- Abstracts of the Student Congress on Sport Sciences 2017 of the University of Physical Education
- Erratum
Year 2, Issue 1-2 (2017) >>>
- Foreword
- Original research paper
- Physical education and pedagogy
- The idea of modernizing of physical education
Pál Hamar, István Karsai - Task of Adapted PE and its Present Position in Education
Judit Andrásné Teleki - "Sport for Development and Peace" (SDP) as a New Field of Science – a Case Study of a PE development program in Cambodia
Mariann Bardocz-Bencsik,Tamás Dóczi - Leisure-time Activity in Personality Development
Lívia Borosán, Yvette Budainé Csepela - Role of Sport in Afternoon School Activity (in Day Care Centers)
Yvette Budainé Csepela, Lívia Borosán - Measuring Loadability of Secondary School Students during a Teaching Unit of Volleyball
Zsuzsa Nagy, Anetta Müller
- The idea of modernizing of physical education
- Sport sciences
- Measuring Loadability of Secondary School Students during a Teaching Unit of Volleyball
István Juhász, Eszter Boda, Melinda Bíró, Anetta Müller - Analysing Personality of Elite Football Academy Youth Players Compared with Those not Engaged in Competitive Sports
Zoltán Kiss, István Csáki, Barbara Fózer-Selmeci, József Bognár - Role of Small-sided Games in Football Conditioning
Károly Papp, Lajos Szekeres, János Tóth jr., János Tóth - Analysis of 2016 European Football Championships in Relation to Successful Short-, Medium- and Long-range Passes
József Berta, JánosTóth jr., János Tóth
- Measuring Loadability of Secondary School Students during a Teaching Unit of Volleyball
- Social sciences
- Sports – Financing – Success?
Kinga Ráthonyi-Odor, Attila Borbély - Success of 2016 Rio Olympic Games as Reflected in the Income of Sport Organizations
Zsuzsanna Gősi - Assessing Effects of the TAO System on Hungarian Basketball Teams
Péter Váczi, Eszter Boda, Judit Herpainé Lakó, Anetta Müller - Chances of Dual Career Development in Sport in Hungary
Judit Farkas, Mátyás Jókai, Tibor Kozsla - Role of Social Network and Social Support in Sporting Motivation of Prospective Teachers
Tamás Pinczés, Bettina Pikó - Intention of Applying Systems Rationalizing Sport Selection of Youth
Péter Soldos - Personal Training and Health Promotion at Workplaces - Meeting of Theory and Practice
Zoltán Tánczos, József Bognár - Performance Strategies and State of Mood in Two University Basketball Teams
István Soós, Jose Carlos Flores Martinez, Pál Hamar, Zsuzsanna Kalmár, Ian Whyte, Attila Szabó
- Sports – Financing – Success?
- Natural sciences
- Recording Trajectory of Upper-Body Coordination and Pressure Centre Points in Wheelchair Patients with Muscle Dystrophy
Erika Medveczky, Piroska Szalay, Csaba Nyakas, Károly Bretz - Subjective Well-being of Sporting and Non-sporting Adolescents
Zalán Négele, Júlia Pápai, Zsófia Tróznai, Csaba Nyakas - Developing Static and Dynamic Equilibrium of 8-9 Year Old Girls with Hippotherapy
Ágnes Simon-Ugron - Equilibrium Development of Hearing-impaired Children with Playful Movement Programs
Ágnes Simon-Ugron, Iuliana Boros-Bálint
- Recording Trajectory of Upper-Body Coordination and Pressure Centre Points in Wheelchair Patients with Muscle Dystrophy
- Physical education and pedagogy
- Book review
- Sport and Social Sciences with Reflection on Practice
Tamás Dóczi
- Sport and Social Sciences with Reflection on Practice
- Window to the world of sport sciences
Year 1, Issue 2 (2016) >>>
- Foreword
- Original research paper
- Physical education and pedagogy
- PE teacher candidates’ examination in the mirror of their opinion formed about the choice of career
Ádám Uhlár, Ágnes Szemes, LászlóTóth
- PE teacher candidates’ examination in the mirror of their opinion formed about the choice of career
- Social sciences
- The Connection between Sport and Television
Ferenc Várhegyi
- The Connection between Sport and Television
- Natural sciences
- Physical activity, sport and hypertension
István Préda - Signs of athletic adaptation on the electrocardiogram (ECG)
Zsolt Szelid
- Physical activity, sport and hypertension
- Physical education and pedagogy
- Conferences
- Abstracts of the conference "Innovations related to sport"
- Abstracts of the Student Congress on Sport Sciences 2016 of the University of Physical Education
- 46th Conference of Motion Biology (Budapest, november 17-18, 2016)
- Windows to the World of Science
Year 1, Issue 1 (2016) >>>
- Foreword
- Original research paper
- Physical education and pedagogy
- New measurement method: Examination of psychological factors with Vienna System among soccer players
István Csáki, Barbara Fózer-Selmeci, József Bognár, Péter Szájer, Dávid Zalai, Gábor Géczi, László Révész, LászlóTóth
- New measurement method: Examination of psychological factors with Vienna System among soccer players
- Practical sport sciences
- Thoughts on running performance at modern soccer matches
Dávid Zalai, Zsolt Gyimes, Péter Bobák, István Csáki, Pál Hamar - Necessity of Long-Term Athlete Development in Hungarian sport
Gábor Géczi, István Baji
- Thoughts on running performance at modern soccer matches
- Social sciences of sport
- The Connection between Sport and Tourism, the Conceptual System of Sport Tourism
Dóra Lasztovicza, Piroska Béki - Structures of Sport in Europe: the Sport System of Italy
Péter Farkas, Barbara Rácz - Imparitas factors (gender inequality factors) in relation to women’s sportleadership
Magdolna Trenka - The history of women’s football: Europe, the cradle of this sport
Diána Déri - Comparative study of sportmotivation and flow-experience in different sport competitors
Ágnes Szemes, Szabolcs Gergő Harsányi, László Tóth
- The Connection between Sport and Tourism, the Conceptual System of Sport Tourism
- Physical education and pedagogy
- Conferences
- Abstracts of the Student Congress on Sport Sciences 2015 of the University of Physical Education
- 7th Conference of the International Society for the Social Sciences of Sport (ISSSS) "Sport in changing social, economic, political and cultural contexts"
Additional pages