ISCSS 2012

Keynote lecture | Program | Results | Committees

We are pleased to invite you to the 20th ICSSS. It will be held at the Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education, Budapest Hungary, April, 26-28, 2012. The Scientific Committee of the Congress invites papers in the following fields:

  • Sport Physiology
  • Human Movement Sciences
  • Olympic Movement and Sport History
  • Physical Education and Teaching Methods
  • Adapted Physical Education
  • Social Sciences
  • Training Methods
  • Sport-management
  • Tourism  and Recreation

We welcome any materials to the congress (lecture, video, poster, etc.) from Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. students.

Conference language: English
Oral presentation time: 10 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion
Poster time: 3 minutes presentation + 2 minutes discussion

Registration and abstract deadline: February 27, 2012

Keynote lecture

Exercise is the way to success.

It is well known that most of the time physical exercise plays a major role in successful people’s every day lives. We can have pages and pages of example from different scientific areas, the arts and economics where great ideas were born during physical exercise. It is our pleasure to continue this great tradition. We are pleased to announce the 20th International Congress on Sport Science for Students,where professors and young scientists can exchange tomorrow’s great ideas. The 20th occasion will be celebrated with leading scientists, who will lecture on the opening day.

The key-note lecture will be delivered by prof. John O. Holloszy M.D. (USA) and Fernando-Gomez Pinilla (USA)


Thursday, 26 April 2012

  • Arrival to the Student Hotel of the Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (TF) at Budapest. Address: Budapest XII. District, Alkotás utca 44.
  • 10:00 Registration (Main Building, Room 39)
  • 11:00 Opening ceremony (Main Building, Room 40). The official opening of the Congress by Prof. Miklós Tóth, dean and Prof. Zsolt Radák vice dean for Science
  • Presentations:
    1. Prof. Ed Coyle (The University of Texas, Austin, USA): Physiology of Endurance: How fast might they go?
    2. Prof. Fernando Gomez-Pinilla (UCLA, USA): The Effects of Nutrition and Exercise on Brain Health
  • 12:30 Lunch at the Student Hotel
  • 13:00 Late registration (Main Building, Room 39) | Intbagroduction of the International Student Board Sport Studies (Main Building, R.40)
  • 14:00 Sections for professors (Main Building, Room 40) >>>
  • 17:00 Round-Table Discussion (Introduction of Universities) (Main Building, R. 37)
  • 19:00 Dinner at the Student Hotelbet

Friday, 27 April 2012

  • 8:00 Breakfast at the Student Hotel | Rooms are open for participants | Late registration (Main Building, Room 39)
  • 9:00 Sections
    • for undergraduate students
      • Physical Exercise Therapy (Main Building, Room 37) >>>
      • Sport & Quality of Life (Main Building, Room 40) >>>
    • for Ph.D. students
      • Motor Learning (Main Building, Room 58) >>>
  • 11:30 Sections for undergraduate students
    • Exercise Physiology (Main Building, Room 37) >>>
    • Psychology Aspects of Human Movement (Main Building, Room 40) >>>
  • 13:30 Lunch at the Student Hotel
  • 14:00 Rooms are open for participants
  • 14:30 Sections for undergraduate students
    • Human Kinesiology (Main Building, Room 37) >>>
    • Social Sciences and Sport Management (Main Building, Room 40) >>>
  • 17:00 Poster Section for undergraduate and Ph.D. students (Main Building, Room 43)
    • Health Sciences and Motor Learning (Undergraduate students) >>>
    • Health Sciences (Ph.D. students) >>>
  • 19:00 Reception Dinner at at MOM Kulturális Központ (Address: Budapest, XII. district Csörsz u. 18.)

Saturday 28 April 2012

  • 8:00 Breakfast at the Student Hotel | Rooms are open for participants | Late registration (Main Building, Room 39)
  • 9:00 Sections for Ph.D Students
    • Human Kinesiology (Main Building, Room 37) >>>
    • Exercise Physiology I. (Main Building, Room 40) >>>
    • Exercise Physiology II. (Main Building, Room 43) >>>
  • 11:30 Closing ceremony (Main Building, Room 40)
  • 12:30 Banquet (Main Building, Room 43)
  • 15:30 Cultural program, sight-seeing in the Castle district
  • 19:00 Dinner at the Student Hotel

Sunday 29 April 2012

  • 8:00 Breakfast at the Student Hotel

Detailed program of the sections | Booklet of Abstracts (PDF, 86 pages)

Thursday, 26, April 2012

11:00 – 12:30 Opening ceremony (Main Building, Room 40)

  1. Prof. Ed Coyle (The University of Texas Austin USA): ‘Physiology of Endurance: How fast might they go?
  2. Prof. Fernando Gomez-Pinilla (UCLA. USA): The Effects of Nutrition and Exercise on Brain Health

14:00 – 16:00 Sections for professors (Main Building, Room 40)

  1. Prof. Tibor Hortobagyi (Groningen University, Nederland): Neural Adaptations to Strength Training
  2. Prof. Natalia Zakharyeva (Russian State University, Russia): Psycho Functional Characteristics of Free Divers, Swimmers and Sport Dancers
  3. Prof. Mitsuru Higuchi (Waseda University, Japan): Health Promotion by Rowing Exercise.
  4. Prof. Arlette Delamarche (University Rennes, France): Physical Inactivity and Insulin Resistance: Implications of Oxidative Stress
  5. Prof. Pál Hamar (Semmelweis University, Hungary): Tendencies of the Content Modernizations within Physical Education in the Hungarian Public Education
  6. Prof. Karsten Froberg (RICH Centre, Denmark): The Newest Evidences of the Importance of Physical Activity for Health and Cognition in Children
  7. Prof. Marina Udalova (Russian State University, Russia): International Communication in Modern Sport Education

17:00 Round-Table Discussion (Introduction of Universities) (Main Building, R. 37)

Friday, 27, April 2012

9:00 – 11:00 Oral sections for Undergraduate Students

Physical Exercise Therapy (Main Building, Room 37) – Chair: Dr. Miklós Tóth | Members: Dr. Anna Farkas, Dr. Péter Osváth

  1. Bernat Vacz (Hungary): The Role of Pre-surgery Strength and Functional Training in Succesful Accelerated Physiotherapy after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: a Case Report
  2. Anders Farholm (Norway): A Multidisciplinary Vocational Rehabilitation with Focus on Physical Activity Predicts Increases in Motivation, Perceived Competence, Physical Activity Behavior, Healthy Functioning, and Return to Work
  3. Bernadette Misovics (Hungary): The Effectiveness of Conservative Physiotherapy in Case of Isolated Anterior Cruciate Ligament
  4. Ágnes Diviánszky, Lilla Zalai (Hungary): The Effect of Life Long Physical Activity on Early Stage of Alzheimer’s Disease
  5. Renáta Szabó (Hungary): The Protective Cardiovascular Effects of Six Weeks Recreational Physical Exercise
  6. Zsófia Szalay (Hungary): Choreographed Movements and Games to Prevent Plantar Deformities at the Age of Preschool

Sport & Quality of Life (Main Building, Room 37) – Chair: Dr. Karsten Froberg | Members: Dr. Ferenc Ihász, Dr. Andor Molnár

  1. Ádám Schneider (Hungary): Developing Reaction Speed and Hand-eye Coordination by Using Speed Stacks
  2. Ilshat Melyaev (Russia): Features of the Testing System in Preparation of Basketball Players
  3. Gábor Schuth (Hungary): Team-timeout, as a Possibilty for Shaping Goal Differences in Handball Matches
  4. Allen Weeks (USA): Analysis of Heart Rate Values Measures on School Physical Education Programs
  5. Adrienn Volák (Hungary): Profile of Leasure Time, Physical Activity and Sport Related Habit of the Students at the Semmelweis University
  6. Diana Colucci (Canada): Physical Inactivity, a Call for Concern: Evaluation of Present School Based Interventions, Specifically Daily Physical Activity (DPA)
  7. Anita Király (Hungary): The Problem and Analysis of the Development of the Endurance on Recreational Purpose
  8. Michael Cooper (USA): Comparison of Duration and Intensity of Physical Activity in American and Hungarian Boys and Girls 9 – 14 Years Old

9:00 – 11:00 Oral sections for Ph.D. Students

Motor Learning (Main Building, Room 60) – Chair: Dr. István Karsai | Members: Dr. Miklós Bánhidi, Dr. Marina Udalova

  1. Jan Sima, Tomas Ruda (Czech Republic): Measuring Functional Service Quality Using SERVQUAL in Czech Fitness Centers
  2. Aleksandra Nikiforova (Russia): Olympic Tourism: Traditions and Innovations
  3. Nikoletta Nagy (Hungary): Inspection of Training Methodology at Age-group Swimmers
  4. János Tóth jr., Johnson Cheong (Hungary): The Examination of the 4:4 Game at Diamond and Square

11:30 – 13:30 Oral sections for Undergraduate Students

Exercise Physiology (Main Building, Room 37) – Chair: Dr. Mitsuru Higuchi | Members: Dr. Anikó Pósa, Dr. Márta Wilhelm

  1. Ferenc Torma (Hungary): The Effects of Caloric Restriction and Exercise on Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Biogenesis in Selectively Bred Rats of Running Capacity
  2. Angela Torés Ramirez (Spain): Repolarization characteristics of the athlete´s heart
  3. Lilla Zalai (Hungary): Effects of Differently Adapted Exercise Programs on Cognition of 12 and 24 Months Female Wistar Rats
  4. Evgeniya Sokolova (Russia): Specifics of Vegetative Indices of Dancers in Standard and Latin Programmes
  5. Tamás Berki (Hungary): UKK Health – Related Fitness Test Battery for Adults in Hungary
  6. Nikolett Buzer, Levente Szücs (Hungary): Research on Impacts of Maximal Performance on the Balance Abilities of Top Level Artistic Indoor Cycling Athletes
  7. Gergő Pintér (Hungary): Stamina of Smokers and Non-smokers after ß-alanine-rich Diet

Psychological Aspects of Human Movement (Main Building, Room 40) – Chair: Dr. Kornél Sipos | Members: Dr. Erzsébet Rétsági, Dr. Attila Szabó

  1. Pál Gönczi (Hungary): Superhero Idol Value Transmitting Role in Young Athletes Motivation
  2. Laura Márton, Judit Paksi (Hungary): The Role of Motivation among Throwers
  3. Seper Ekhtiari (Canada): Concussion Symptom Scale: Reliability during Rest and Exercise
  4. Ildikó Hajas (Hungary): Psyhological Skills of Handball Referees
  5. Bence Bagó, Vivien Váczi, Georgina Szabó (Hungary): Why Do Athletes Quit Fencing? – A Narrative Psychological Approach
  6. Zsófia Gáspár (Hungary): A Work Site Health Promotion Program
  7. Ivett Gémes (Hungary): Waterpolo with Deaf and Hearing Players, and Their Non-Sporting Pairs
  8. Alexandra Cselkó (Hungary): Stamina, Motor Control and Psychophysiological Status of Elite Male Handball Players

14:30 – 16:30 Oral sections for Undergraduate Students

Human Kinesiology (Main Building, Room 37) – Chair: Dr. Tibor Hortobágyi | Members:Dr. István Karsai, Dr. Rita Kiss

  1. Gábor Schuth (Hungary): The Effects of Three Month Proprioceptive Training on Static and Dynamic Stance Stability of Adolescent Women Handball Players
  2. Annamária Péter, András Hegyi (Hungary): Relationship between the Activation Level and Pre-tension of the Muscle, and its Effects on the Mechanical Characteristics of Knee Extensors
  3. Éva Waszlavik (Hungary): Influence of Stimulation Frequency on Performance of Cycling by Means of Functional Electrical Stimulation
  4. Brock Laschowski (Canada): The Effects of an Acute Bout of Explosive Strength Training on Jump Performance
  5. Míra Ambrus (Hungary): Changes in Metabolic and Muscle Damage Indicators Following a Single Bout of Jump Training on Stair versus Level
  6. Ferenc Gy. Nagy, Mátyás G. Tóth, Gábor Bognár (Hungary): Alteration of Mechanical Characteristics of Patellar Tendon under Eccentric Contraction in Vivo
  7. Gábor Schuth, Péter Erdős (Hungary): Force-velocity-power Characteristics of the Muscles of the Upper Extremities Working Simultaneously
  8. Kumpei Tanisawa (Japan): Exome Sequencing of Senescence-accelerated Mice

Social Sciences and Sport Management (Main Building, Room 40) – Chair: Dr. Caroline Fusco | Members: Dr. Marina Udalova, Dr. József Bognár

  1. Bettina Baltás, Ferenc Tauffer (Hungary): Leisure Opportunities for Youth Development in Europe
  2. Kinga Baráth (Hungary): Appearance of the Sport’s European Dimensions in the 2011 Modification of Hungarian Sport Strategy 2007
  3. Cheong Johnson (Malaysia): Similarities and Differences of Football Talent Program in Hungary, Canada, and in Malaysia
  4. Álmos Illés (Hungary): Players’ Agents Regulations in European Professional Football
  5. Bálint Dolnegó (Hungary): Comparative Disquisition of the Laws of the Game Knowledge of Hungarian Football Coaches
  6. Balázs Tóth (Hungary): Battle of the Brands – Consumer Perceptions of Nike and Adidas
  7. Attila Szafian (Slovakia): Sports Tourism Opportunitis in Komárno – Biking
  8. Tímea Horváth(Hungary) : The Economic Background of Canoeing in Hungary
  9. Ildikó B. Hajas, Péter Szladics (Hungary): Analysing the Dual-level School-leaving Exam in PE and Its Relation to the School Achievement of First-year TF Students

17:00 Poster Section for undergraduate and Ph.D. students (Main Building, R 43. )

Health Sciences and Motor Learning (Undergraduate students) – Chair: Dr. Natalia Zakharyeva | Members: Dr. Anikó Pósa, Dr. Joseine Cillar

  1. Mette Petersen (Denmark): The Influence of Body Fatness on Sports Participation among School-Children: The CHAMPS study-DK
  2. András Faludy (Hungary): Relationships between the Blood Glucose Level, Lactate Formation and Performance in Atlethes with Diabetestype I
  3. Péter Szablics (Hungary): Effect of Weight Loss on the Changes in Dynamical Marks of Centre of Gravity at Different Age-classes
  4. Xiaomin Sun, Zhen-Bo Cao (Japan): Serum Vitamin D Status in College American Football Players
  5. Nóra Böröcz (Hungary): Development Trends of Major Events in Triathlon between 2000 and 2011

Health Sciences (Ph.D. Students) – Chair: Dr. Edward Coyle | Members: Dr. Márta Wilhelm, Dr. Arlette Delamarche

  1. Edyta Predel, Magdalena Karczewska (Poland): The Impact of 4 Week Training of Lower Limb on the Jump Hight on Dynamometric Platform
  2. Kornélia Orbán (Hungary): The Preventive Medical Efficacy of Regular Exercise in Menopause
  3. Magdalena Karczewska, Edyta Predel (Poland): The Effect of Training Loads Variability on Maximum Power Obtained during a Jump CMJ on Dynamometric Platform
  4. Olesya Kolesnik, NikolayVolkov (Russia): Aerobic and Anaerobic Energy Supply Parameters of Middle and Long Distance Runners
  5. Monika Lipinska (Poland): Changes in Tissue Components Measured Using Anthropometric and Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) in Female Volleyball Players in Season 2010/2011 – Comparative Analysis
  6. Zita Szalai, Adél Király, Anikó Magyariné Berkó, Renáta Szabó (Hungary): Anti-inflammatory Role of Recreational Physical Exercise in a Rat Model of Colitis
  7. H. Pareja-Galeano, T. Brioche, C. Jovani, MA. Montal. F. Sanchís-Gomar, C. Martínez-Costa, J. Vina (Spain): Exercise Training is Associated with a Peripheral Increase in IGF-I and BDNF in Teenagers. Possible Role of CREB
  8. Tatiana Udalova (Russia): PE Teacher: New Challenges. Analysis of the Results of All-russian Contest

Saturday, 28, April 2012

9:00 – 11:00 Oral sections Ph.D. Students

Human Kinesiology (Main Building, Room 37) – Chair: Dr. Tibor Hortobágyi | Members: Dr. Márk Váczi, Dr. Zsolt Radák

  1. Péter Katona (Hungary): The Electrical Activity of Thigh Muscles during Cycling as a Function of Speed and Resistance
  2. Caroline Martin (France): Joint Kinetic Comparison of the Tennis Serve among Various Competitive Levels
  3. Daria Broda (Poland): Changes in Static Balance Ability of Female Artistic Gymnasts as Measured over Two Years of Sporting Training
  4. József Tollár (Hungary): Uni- and Bilateral Torque Profile of the Knee Extensor Muscles of the Elite Soccer Players
  5. Samuel Honório, Marco Batista, Júlio Martins (Portugal): A Two-year Longitudinal Study of the Influence of Physical Activity/Hydrotherapy in the EK Motor Functional Scale, in Individuals with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
  6. Toshinori Yoshihara, Hisashi Naito, Ryo Kakigi, Noriko Ichinoseki-Sekine, Takao Sugiura, Shizuo Katamoto (Japan): Effects of Combination of Heat Stress and Intermitten Weight-bearing on Disuse Muscle Atrophy and Intracellular Signal in Unoaded Rat Soleus Muscle

Exercise Physiology I. (Main Building, Room 40) – Chair: Dr. Mitsuru Higuchi | Members: Dr. Andor Molnár, Dr. Natalia Zakharyeva

  1. Monika Kaj (Hungary): Changes of the Health-related Fitness Status of the Hungarian University Students in the Last Decades
  2. Anna Ogonowska-Słodownik (Poland): Comparison of the IPAQ-short Form, Borg Scale and Physical Activity in Older Norwegian Adults
  3. Jordan Guéritat (France): Effect of Physical Activity on Human Prostate Cancer Cells Proliferation: Involvement of Oxidative Stress?
  4. Orsolya Marton, Ferenc Torma (Hungary), Steven Britton, Lauren Koch: Nuclear Respiratory Factor-1, and Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor Gamma Coactivator Alpha-1 could be Responsible to Different Response to Aerobic Training on Rats
  5. H. Pareja-Galeano, T. Brioche, F. Sanchis-Gomar, VE. Martinez-Bello, B. Ferrando, R. García-Vallés, J. Vina (Spain): Effects of Exercise Training on Cognitive Deficits and Biological Alterations in an APP/PSN1 Transgenic Mice Model for Alzheimer´s Disease
  6. Nikolett Hart (Hungary): Differences in the Mitochondrial Biogenesis of Exercised Trained and Resveratrol Treated Selectively Bred Low and High Running Capacity Rats
  7. Kenji Narazaki (Japan): Current Physical Activity and Physical Inactivity Were Not Associated with Cognitive Status in Japanese Community-Dwelling Older Adults

Exercise Physiology II. (Main Building, Room 43) – Chair: Dr. Arlette Delamarche | Members: Dr. Edward Coyle, Dr. Anikó Pósa

  1. Éva Tékus (Hungary): Salivary Lactate Influencing Factors: Effects of the Sympathetic Nervous System and Dehydration during Physical Activity
  2. Anna Divinskaya (Russia): The Characteristics of Methodological Approach to Physical Education of Senior School Girls with Different Types of Vegetal Regulation
  3. Krisztina Marosi (Hungary): Effects of Life-long Physical Exercise on Brain Ageing
  4. Maja Mańkowska (Poland): Morph-functional Asymmetry of Elite Female Basketball Players
  5. Nikita S. Bobarykin (Russia): Comparative Analysis of Morphofunctional Features of Athletes Specializing in Speed Skating and Short-track
  6. Barbara Abonyi (Hungary): The Effect of Having a Regular Sporting Activity on to the Beginning Period of the Maternity


Physical Exercise Therapy - Chair: Dr. Miklós Tóth | Members: Dr. Anna Farkas, Dr. Péter Osváth

  1. Renáta Szabó (Hungary): The Protective Cardiovascular Effects of Six Weeks Recreational Physical Exercise
  2. Zsófia Szalay (Hungary): Choreographed Movements and Games to Prevent Plantar Deformities at the Age of Preschool
  3. Anders Farholm (Norway): A Multidisciplinary Vocational Rehabilitation with Focus on Physical Activity Predicts Increases in Motivation, Perceived Competence, Physical Activity Behavior, Healthy Functioning, and Return to Work

Special Award (MSTT):Ágnes Diviánszky, Lilla Zalai (Hungary): The Effect of Life Long Physical Activity on Early Stage of Alzheimer’s Disease

Sport & Quality of Life - Chair: Dr. Karsten Froberg | Members: Dr. Ferenc Ihász, Dr. Andor Molnár

  1. Gábor Schuth (Hungary): Team-timeout, as a Possibilty for Shaping Goal Differences in Handball Matches
  2. Michael Cooper (USA): Comparison of Duration and Intensity of Physical Activity in American and Hungarian Boys and Girls 9 – 14 Years Old
  3. Allen Weeks (USA): Analysis of Heart Rate Values Measures on School Physical Education Programs

Special Award: Ádám Schneider (Hungary): Developing Reaction Speed and Hand-eye Coordination by Using Speed Stacks

Motor Learning - Chair: Dr. István Karsai | Members: Dr. Miklós Bánhidi, Dr. Marina Udalova

  • Special Award: Jan Sima, Tomas Ruda (Czech Republic): Measuring Functional Service Quality Using SERVQUAL in Czech Fitness Centers
  • Special Award: Aleksandra Nikiforova (Russia): Olympic Tourism: Traditions and Innovations

Exercise Physiology - Chair: Dr. Mitsuru Higuchi | Members: Dr. Anikó Pósa, Dr. Márta Wilhelm

  1. Ferenc Torma (Hungary): The Effects of Caloric Restriction and Exercise on Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Biogenesis in Selectively Bred Rats of Running Capacity
  2. Gergő Pintér (Hungary): Stamina of Smokers and Non-smokers after ß-alanine-rich Diet
  3. Angela Torés Ramirez (Spain): Repolarization characteristics of the athlete´s heart

Special Award: Nikolett Buzer, Levente Szücs (Hungary): Research on Impacts of Maximal Performance on the Balance Abilities of Top Level Artistic Indoor Cycling Athletes

Psychological Aspects of Human Movement - Chair: Dr. Kornél Sipos | Members: Dr. Erzsébet Rétsági, Dr. Attila Szabó

  1. Seper Ekhtiari (Canada): Concussion Symptom Scale: Reliability during Rest and Exercise
  2. Alexandra Cselkó (Hungary): Stamina, Motor Control and Psychophysiological Status of Elite Male Handball Players
  3. Laura Márton, Judit Paksi (Hungary): The Role of Motivation among Throwers

Special Award: Ivett Gémes (Hungary): Waterpolo with Deaf and Hearing Players, and Their Non-Sporting Pairs

Human Kinesiology - Chair: Dr. Tibor Hortobágyi | Members:Dr. István Karsai, Dr. Rita Kiss

  1. Gábor Schuth (Hungary): The Effects of Three Month Proprioceptive Training on Static and Dynamic Stance Stability of Adolescent Women Handball Players
  2. Míra Ambrus (Hungary): Changes in Metabolic and Muscle Damage Indicators Following a Single Bout of Jump Training on Stair versus Level
  3. Annamária Péter, András Hegyi (Hungary): Relationship between the Activation Level and Pre-tension of the Muscle, and its Effects on the Mechanical Characteristics of Knee Extensors

Special Award: Kumpei Tanisawa (Japan): Exome Sequencing of Senescence-accelerated Mice

Social Sciences and Sport Management - Chair: Dr. Caroline Fusco | Members: Dr. Marina Udalova, Dr. József Bognár

  1. Bálint Dolnegó (Hungary): Comparative Disquisition of the Laws of the Game Knowledge of Hungarian Football Coaches
  2. Balázs Tóth (Hungary): Battle of the Brands – Consumer Perceptions of Nike and Adidas
  3. Cheong Johnson (Malaysia): Similarities and Differences of Football Talent Program in Hungary, Canada, and in Malaysia

Special Award (MSTT): Tímea Horváth (Hungary) : The Economic Background of Canoeing in Hungary

Health Sciences and Motor Learning (Undergraduate students) – Chair: Dr. Natalia Zakharyeva | Members: Dr. Anikó Pósa, Dr. Joseine Cillar

  1. Péter Szablics (Hungary): Effect of Weight Loss on the Changes in Dynamical Marks of Centre of Gravity at Different Age-classes
  2. Mette Petersen (Denmark): The Influence of Body Fatness on Sports Participation among School-Children: The CHAMPS study-DK

Health Sciences (Ph.D. Students) – Chair: Dr. Edward Coyle | Members: Dr. Márta Wilhelm, Dr. Arlette Delamarche

  • Special Award: Monika Lipinska (Poland): Changes in Tissue Components Measured Using Anthropometric and Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) in Female Volleyball Players in Season 2010/2011 – Comparative Analysis
  • Special Award: Zita Szalai, Adél Király, Anikó Magyariné Berkó, Renáta Szabó (Hungary): Anti-inflammatory Role of Recreational Physical Exercise in a Rat Model of Colitis

Human Kinesiology / Ph.D. - Chair: Dr. Tibor Hortobágyi | Members: Dr. Márk Váczi, Dr. Zsolt Radák

  • Special Award: Caroline Martin (France): Joint Kinetic Comparison of the Tennis Serve among Various Competitive Levels
  • Special Award: Toshinori Yoshihara, Hisashi Naito, Ryo Kakigi, Noriko Ichinoseki-Sekine, Takao Sugiura, Shizuo Katamoto (Japan): Effects of Combination of Heat Stress and Intermitten Weight-bearing on Disuse Muscle Atrophy and Intracellular Signal in Unoaded Rat Soleus Muscle

Exercise Physiology I. / Ph.D. - Chair: Dr. Mitsuru Higuchi | Members: Dr. Andor Molnár, Dr. Natalia Zakharyeva

  • Special Award: Orsolya Marton, Ferenc Torma (Hungary), Steven Britton, Lauren Koch: Nuclear Respiratory Factor-1, and Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor Gamma Coactivator Alpha-1 could be Responsible to Different Response to Aerobic Training on Rats
  • Special Award: Kenji Narazaki (Japan): Current Physical Activity and Physical Inactivity Were Not Associated with Cognitive Status in Japanese Community-Dwelling Older Adults

Exercise Physiology II.  / Ph.D. - Chair: Dr. Arlette Delamarche | Members: Dr. Edward Coyle, Dr. Anikó Pósa

  • Special Award: Éva Tékus (Hungary): Salivary Lactate Influencing Factors: Effects of the Sympathetic Nervous System and Dehydration during Physical Activity
  • Special Award: Krisztina Marosi (Hungary): Effects of Life-long Physical Exercise on Brain Ageing


Organizing Committee

  • Dr. Miklós Tóth professor (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Zsolt Radák professor (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Katalin Kovács associate professor (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Tibor Kozsla director (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Erika Koltai scientific assistant (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Attila Heim mandatory expert (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Anna Protzner Ph.D. student (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Ilona Krajcz Varga coordinator (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)

Scientific Committee

  • Dr. Miklós Bánhidi college professor (University of West Hungary, Apá-czai Csere János Faculty)
  • Dr. József Bognár associate professor (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Joseine Cillar associate professor (University of Rennes 2)
  • Dr. Edward Coyle professor (University of Texas Austin)
  • Dr. Arlette Delamarche professor (University of Rennes 2)
  • Dr. Anna Farkas research worker (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Karsten Froberg associate professor (Head of RICH Centre, Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics University of Southern Denmark)
  • Dr. Caroline Fusco associate professor (University of Toronto)
  • Dr. Mitsuru Higuchi professor (Waseda Univeristy)
  • Dr. Tibor Hortobágyi professor (Groningen University)
  • Dr. Ferenc Ihász college professor (University of West Hungary, Apáczai Csere János Faculty)
  • Dr. István Karsai associate professor (University of Pécs, Institute of Phy-sical Education and Sport Science, Faculty of Natural Science)
  • Dr. Rita Kiss associate professor (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
  • Dr. Andor Molnár assistant professor (University of Szeged)
  • Dr. Anikó Pósa associate professor (University of Szeged)
  • Dr. Erzsébet Rétsági associate professor (University of Pécs, Institute of Physical Education and Sport Science, Faculty of Natural Science)
  • Dr. Kornél Sipos professor (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Attila Szabó professor (Eötvös Loránd University Budapest)
  • Dr. Miklós Tóth professor (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Marina Udalova professor (Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism, Moscow, Russia)
  • Dr. Natalia Zakharyeva professor (Russian State University)
  • Dr. Márk Váczi associate professor (University of Pécs, Institute of Physical Education and Sport Science, Faculty of Natural Science)
  • Dr. Márta Wilhelm associate professor (University of Pécs, Institute of Physical Education and Sport Science, Faculty of Natural Science)
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