ISCSS 2010

Program | Results | Committes

Friendship is a fantastic bond between people, linking us across borders. Science is part of our culture, explaining universal rules, controling our present and future well being and governing our lives. Friendships created with the help of science, based on our common interest, are very powerful, long-lasting and fruitful for those open enough to share knowledge and to give and accept new ideas.

The current international student congress provides an exceptional opportunity to form friendships and create bonds over oceans and mountains. At this congress you will be exposed to scientific research from Canada, Croatia, Japan, China, France, Russia, Denmark, Lithvania, Greece, Cyprus, Poland, Serbia, and Hungary.  You have an opportunity to make friends far away from your home countries; friends who are working both in similar and quite different areas of sport science; friends who are eager to share ideas, information and knowledge with you. Please, don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn and grow with the help of the new friends who are here in Budapest at the TF (this is the abbreviation of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences) attending this scientific conference for students.  Please, don’t miss the opportunity to expose yourself to new ideas and approaches to solving scientific problems. Please, don’t miss the chance to use science to make friends and don’t neglect the possibility of using your friendship to be better at science!

Have a great meeting and enjoy your days in Budapest!

Prof. Dr. Zsolt Radák


Thursday, 8. April 2010

  • Arrival to the Student Hotel of the Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (TF) at Budapest. Address: Budapest XII. District, Alkotás utca 44.
  • 19:00 Dinner at the Student Hotel

Friday, 9. April 2010

  • 8:00 Breakfast at the Student Hotel
  • 9:00 Registration (Main Building, Room 39)
  • 10:30 Opening ceremony (Main Building, Room 40) – The offical opening of the Congress by Prof. Dr. József Tihanyi, dean of Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. Presentations:
    • Dr. Walter Tokarski, professor, President of the German Sport University Cologne
    • Dr. Mitsuru Higuchi, professor, Waseda University
  • 12:30 Lunch at the Student Hotel
  • 13:00 Late registration (Main Building, Room 39)
  • 13:30 Rooms are open for participants
  • 14:00 Sections >>>
    • Sport & Quality of Life Section (Main Building, Room 40)
    • Social Sciences and Management of Sport Section (Main Building, Room 43)
    • Kinesiology & Sportmedicine Section (Main Building, Room 37)
  • 17:30 Round-Table Introduction of Professors and their Universities (Main Building, Room 37)
  • 19:30 Reception Dinner at the”Paulaner Pub & Restaurant” (Address: Budapest,12. District, MOM Park, Alkotás utca 53.). 1 glass beer or soft drink is included in the menu. Additional food and/or drinks will be at your own cost.

Saturday 10. April 2010

  • 7:30 Breakfast at the Student Hotel
  • 8:30 Rooms are open for participants
  • 9:00 Sections
    • Psychological & Pedagogical Aspects of Physical Movement Section (Main Building, Room 37)
    • Social Sciences and Kynesiology & Sportmedicine Ph.D. Section (Main Building, Room 40)
  • 12:30 Closing ceremony (Main Building, Room 40) and banquet (Main Building, Room 43)
  • 15:30 Cultural program, sight-seeing in the Castle district
  • 19:00 Dinner at the Student Hotel
  • 20:30 Social Program (Turkish Bath)

Sunday 11. April 2010

  • 8:00 Breakfast at the Student Hotel
Full brochure >>>

Friday, 9. April

Sport & Quality of Life Section (Main Building, room 40) – Chair: Dr. Peter Donelly | Members: Dr. László Balogh, Dr. Paul Delamarche, Dr. Anna Farkas, Zsófia Mészáros

  1. Bence Cselik: Health-Image and Health Strategy in Elementary School (13)
  2. Tamás Pinczés: Comparing the Eating Habits of Hungarian and American Students between the Age of 8 and 12 (14)
  3. Zoltán Farkas: Do we like organic food? (15)
  4. Emőke Benkő-Ákos Móra: Sport and Eating Habits of Elite Hungarian Gymnasts (16)
  5. Tünde Szarka: The Possibilities of Adapting the Movements of Taekwondo for Children with Cerebral Palsy (17)
  6. Bernadett Németh: The Use of Swimming for Children with Missing Limbs Using the Halliwick Method (18)
  7. Melina Alexandrou: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Physical Activity and the Case Study of Michael Phelps (19)
  8. Virág Patyus-Éva Kállai: The Effect of Sport and Success on Self-concept of the Deaf. Comparative Examination Having Regard to the Deaflympics (20)
  9. Károly Cserjés: Longitudinal Survey on the Lifestyle of Young Adults with Mental Disabilities (21)
  10. Adrienn Blocosz: Objectively Measured Physical Activity of 9-12 Year-old Budapest Children (22)
  11. Anette Weke: The Age-Related Changes in Body Composition from Childhood to Aging (23)
  12. Vanda Pintér: Body Composition and Physical Activity of Cypriot, Malaysian and Hungarian Male University Students (24)
  13. Anita Király: Fitness Level of Students in Győr (25)
  14. Aljoša Arlov: Specific Strength in the Function of Pistol Shooting Precision (26)
  15. Kristian Traberg Larsen-Mathias Ried-Larsen-Anders Grøntved: Childhood Determinants of Physical Activity in Young Adulthood: A Review (27)

Social Sciences and Management of Sport Section (Main Building, room 43) – Chair: Dr. Walter Tokarski | Members: Dr. Miklós Bánhidi, Dr Marina Sirko, Dr. Tamás Sterbenz, Tamás Dóczy

  1. Cheong Johnson: Comparison of Water Polo in Malaysia and Hungary from a Sociological Perspective (28)
  2. Ardavan Ardeshiricham: Social Status of Soccer Coaches in Iran (29)
  3. Adrienn Volák: Comparison and Analysis of the Athletic Entrance Tests in the Traditional and in the BSc System (30)
  4. Paweł Zembura: Barriers to Popularizing Outdoor Physical Activity in Warsaw (31)
  5. Péter Juhász: Youth, Sport Consumption – from a Communicational Point of View! (32)
  6. Sarah Boyle: Development and Preliminary Testing of a Sustainability Rubric for Development through Sport Organizations (33)
  7. Réka Veress: Funding Opportunities for “Sports for All” Provided by the EU (34)
  8. Artiom Deyev: “4 p’s” Concept in Sport Management (35)
  9. Mihály Zsiros: Operational Challenges and Possible Solutions of the Hungarian Athletic Clubs in the XXI. Century (36)
  10. Adam Ablonczy: Stadium Architecture in Ancient World (37)

Kinesiology & Sportmedicine Section (Main Building, room 37) – Chair: Dr. Csaba Nyakas | Members: Dr. Arlette Delamarche, Dr. József Pucsok, Dr. Yan chun Li, Erika Koltai

  1. Mihály Sáfrán: Treadmill Examination of First Class Canoe and Kayak Competitors (38)
  2. Meiko Asaka: Effects of Rowing Training on Abdominal Muscle and Fat in Elderly Men (39)
  3. Orsolya Marton: The Effect of Aging and Exercise on Acetylation of Proteins in Cerebellum of Rats: Role of Sirtuins (40)
  4. Barbara Szendrei: ACTN3 Genotype in Hungarian Top Athletes (41)
  5. Eri Mikami – Noriyuki Fuku-Takahashi Hideyuki: Mitochondrial Haplogroups Associated with Elite Japanese Athlete Status (42)
  6. Alexandra Ruhr: Hsp 72 Expression And Nf-Kb Activation In Rat Extensor Digitorum Longus Muscle Following An Acute Bout of Exercise (43)
  7. Bíborka Kocs: A Study on Bone Structure of Pre-Pubertal Children (44)
  8. Radoslaw Michalski: Application of Artificial Neural Networks in the Assesment of Normal Gait Symmetry of People with Locomotive Dysfunctions (45)
  9. Anna Pottyondy-János Négyesi: Transfer Effects of Neuro-Muscular Adaptation of Several Muscle Groups and their Relation to the Jumping Power (46)
  10. Aghabegloo, Mahmoud: The Effects of Creatine Supplementation on Lactate, Nitrate and Nitrite (47)

Saturday, 10 April

Psychological & Pedagogical Aspects of Physical Movement Section (Main Building, room 37) Chair: Dr. Karsten Froberg Members: Dr. József Bognár, Dr. Erzsébet Rétsági, Dr. Attila Szabó, Attila Velenczei

  1. Attila Szendrei: Sport as Coping Strategy in the Sphere of the Managers (48)
  2. Emese Márkus-Attila Tóth: An Analysis of Coping Skills in Triathlon (49)
  3. Marcell Ipach: Comparison of Motor Performance and Social Anxiety (SASC) of 10-12-Year-old PE Class and Music Class School Children (55)
  4. Nadezhda Pakhamovich: The Investigation of the Complex Coordination of the Second Part of Figure Skaters` Free Skating (50)
  5. Dóra Görögh – Attila Heim: Comparison of Elite Handball Players Related to Attacking Positions on the Evidence of Psychological Investigation (51)
  6. Ágnes Kovács –Dániel Somoskői: Smoking and Physical Activity (52)
  7. Aneta Guz-Maciej Laszuk: Athletics in Awareness of Primary School Students in Municipal and Rural Regions (53)
  8. Péter Gabrovits –Sándor Török: Practical Testing of Success Oriented and Failure Avoiding Behavior of Elementary School Students (54)
  9. Anna Protzner-Dóra Lasztovicza: The Effect of Additional PE and Music Education on the Elementary School Students Sociometric Status (56)
  10. Anna Szisz-Emese Megellai: Social Concerns of Sport Motivation (57)
  11. Anna Lerch-Dóra Boldizsár:  Empirical Examination of Hungarian and French Athletes’ Motivation and Feelings Connected with Sport (58)
  12. Katalin Szigeti-Lea Éva Tóth-Anna Szisz: Comparative Analysis of Motivations for Recreation in Szeged and Budapest (59)

Social Sciences and Kinesiology & Sportmedicine Ph.D. Section (Main Building, room 40) – Chair: Dr. József Tihanyi | Members: Dr. Gyöngyi Födesi Szabó, Dr. Mitsuru Higuchi, Dr. Li Zhao, Dr. Walter Tokarsky

  1. Norbert Kovács-Levente Vágó: Importance of Running Speed, Jumping Ability and the Jumped Result in Long Jump (60)
  2. Dino Sourek: Metric Characteristic of New-Constructed Tests Valuating  Specific Explosive Strength at Fencers (61)
  3. Attila Heim-Dóra Görögh (MSc): Different Phases of Norwegian and Hungarian Women Junior Handball Matches. (A Comparative Analysis) (62)
  4. Péter Szájer-Mátyás Szeiler (MSc): The Effect of the Hand Paddle and Tempo Coordinator on Young Swimmer’s Kinesthesia (63)
  5. Alma Kisielienė: Expression of Self-Esteem and Aggression by Adolescent Judo Athletes (64)
  6. Ryo Kakigi - Hisashi Naito - Yuji Ogura - Yuto Fukai - Toshinori Yoshihara - Noriko Ichinoseki-Sekine – Shizuo Katamoto: Different Tesponse of Alpha-Actinin Isoforms to Muscle Damage in Rat Skeletal Muscle (65)
  7. Anna Udvardy-Zsolt Komka-Vince Szőke: The Role of ADRB2 Polymorphisms in Sport Selection (66)
  8. Le Douairon Lahaye S.-Avril F.-Krasniak T.-Zouhal H.: Comparison of 2 Strategies of Relay on Team Time Trial Cycling Performance (67)
  9. Le Douairon Lahaye S.-Malardé S.-Zguira MS.-Rebillard A.-Vincent S.- Lemoine Morel S.-Delamarche P.-Carré F.-Rannou Bekono F.: Combined Effects of Type 1 Diabetes and Exercise Training on Cardiac Function: Study of Nos1, Ryr2 and Β3-Adrenoceptor (68)
  10. Svetlana Averina: Trends of the Ultras Subculture Advancement in the Russian Reality (69)
  11. Diana Déri: Football Academies: Development and Competencies in the Talent Development Program (70)
  12. Eszter Szabó: Comparison of Development Trend in 7-11 Year old Children (71)


Sport & Quality of Life Section – Chair: Dr. Peter Donelly | Members: Dr. László Balogh, Dr. Paul Delamarche, Dr. Anna Farkas, Zsófia Mészáros

1. Emőke Benkő-Ákos Móra (Semmelweis University Faculty of P.E. Hungary, supervisor: Pál Hamar): Sport and Eating Habits of Elite Hungarian Gymnasts
2. Vanda Pintér(Semmelweis University Faculty of P.E. Hungary, supervisor: Martina Uvacsek): Body Composition and Physical Activity of Cypriot, Malaysian and Hungarian Male University Students
3. Tünde Szarka (Pető Insitute, Hungary, upervisor Zsuzsa Szilárd): The Possibilities of Adapting the Movements of Taekwondo for Children with Cerebral Palsy
3. Bernadett Németh (Semmelweis University Faculty of P.E. Hungary, supervisor: Gábor Ramocsa): The Use of Swimming for Children with Missing Limbs Using the Halliwick Method

Special Award: Kristian Traberg Larsen-Mathias Ried-Larsen-Anders Grøntved (University of Southern Denmark, supervisor: Kartsten Froberg): Childhood Determinants of Physical Activity in Young Adulthood: A Review

Social Sciences and Management of Sport Section – Chair: Dr. Walter Tokarski | Members: Dr. Miklós Bánhidi, Dr. Marina Sirko, Dr. Tamás Sterbenz, Tamás Dóczy

  1. Sarah Boyle (University of Toronto, Canada, supervisor: Peter Donelly): Development and Preliminary Testing of a Sustainability Rubric for Development through Sport Organizations
  2. Péter Juhász (Semmelweis University Faculty of P.E. Hungary, supervisor: Péter Berkes): Youth, Sport Consumption – from a Communicational Point of View!
  3. Adam Ablonczy (Semmelweis University Faculty of P.E. Hungary, supervisor: Katalin Szikora): Stadium Architecture in Ancient World

Special Award: Artiom Deyev (Russian State University of P.E., Moscow, supervisor: Zolotov Mikhail): “4 p’s” concept in Sport Management

Kinesiology & Sportmedicine Section – Chair: Dr. Csaba Nyakas | Members: Dr. Arlette Delamarche, Dr. József Pucsok, Dr. Yan-chun Li, Erika Koltai

  1. Alexandra Ruhr (University of Toronto, Canada, supervisor: Peter Donelly): Hsp 72 Expression And Nf-Kb Activation In Rat Extensor Digitorum Longus Muscle Following An Acute Bout of Exercise
  2. Orsolya Marton (Semmelweis University Faculty of P.E. Hungary, supervisor: Zsolt Radák): The Effect of Aging and Exercise on Acetylation of Proteins in Cerebellum of Rats: Role of Sirtuins
  3. Bíborka Kocs (Semmelweis University Faculty of P.E. Hungary, supervisor: Gábor Szőts) : A Study on Bone Structure of Pre-Pubertal Children

Special Award: Eri Mikami – N. Fuku – T. Hideyuki (Waseda University Tokyo, Japan, superisor: Higuchi Mitsuru): Mitochondrial Haplogroups Associated with Elite Japanese Athlete Status

Meiko Asaka (Waseda University Tokyo, Japan, superisor: Higuchi Mitsuru): Effects of Rowing Training on Abdominal Muscle and Fat in Elderly Men

Psychological & Pedagogical Aspects of Physical Movement Section – Chair: Dr. Karsten Froberg | Members: Dr.Katalin Keresztesi, Dr. Kornél Sipos, Attila Velenczei

1. Anna Protzner-Dóra Lasztovicza (Semmelweis University Faculty of P.E. Hungary, supervisor: Katalin Kovács): The Effect of Additional PE and Music Education on the Elementary School Students Sociometric Status
1. Ágnes Kovács –Dániel Somoskői (Loránd Eötvös University, Hungary supervisor: Róbert Urbán): Smoking and Physical Activity
3. Katalin Szigeti-Lea Éva Tóth-Anna Szisz (University of Szeged, Hungary, Loránd Eötvös University, Hungary, supervisor: Péter Fritz): Comparative Analysis of Motivations for Recreation in Szeged and Budapest

Special Award: Marcell Ipach (Semmelweis University Faculty of P.E. Hungary, supervisor: Piroska Szalay): Comparison of Motor Performance and Social Anxiety (SASC) of 10-12-Year-old PE Class and Music Class School Children

Social Sciences and Kinesiology & Sportmedicine PhD Section – Chair: Dr. József Tihanyi | Members: Dr. Gyöngyi Szabó Földesi, Dr. Mitsuru Higuchi, Dr. Zsolt Radák, Dr. Li Zhao

  1. Le Douairon Lahaye S. – Avril F. – Krasniak T. – Zouhal H. (University of Rennes, France, supervisor: Paul Delamarche): Comparison of 2 Strategies of Relay on Team Time Trial Cycling Performance
  2. Ryo Kakigi – H. Naito – Y. Ogura – Y. Fukai – T. Yoshihara – N. Ichinoseki-Sekine – S. (Juntendo Universtity, Japan, Hisashi Naito): Different Tesponse of Alpha-Actinin Isoforms to Muscle Damage in Rat Skeletal Muscle
  3. Attila Heim-Dóra Görögh (MSc) (Semmelweis University Faculty of P.E. Hungary, supervisor: Csaba Ökrös): Different Phases of Norwegian and Hungarian Women Junior Handball Matches. (A Comparative Analysis)


Members of the Organizing Committee

  • Dr. Zsolt Radák, professor (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Katalin Kovács, associate professor (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Tibor Kozsla, director (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Péter Berkes, assistant professor coordinator (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Péter Osváth, assistant professor (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. László Révész, (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Ilona Krajcz Varga, coordinator (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)

Members of the Scientific Committee

  • Dr. László Balogh, assistant professor (Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology)
  • Dr. Miklós Bánhidi, college professor (University of West Hungary, Apáczai Csere János Faculty)
  • Dr. József Bognár, associate professor (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Arlette Delamarche, professor (University of Rennes 2)
  • Dr. Paul Delamarche, professor (University of Rennes 2)
  • Dr. Peter Donelly, professor (University of Toronto, Faculty of Physical Education & Health)
  • Dr. Anna Farkas, research worker (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Erika Koltai, PhD student (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Mitsuru Higuchi, professor (Waseda Univeristy)
  • Dr. Karsten Froberg, associate professor, Head of RICH Centre (Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics University of Southern Denmark)
  • Zsófia Mészáros, PhD student (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Csaba Nyakas, professor (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Kornél Sipos, professor (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Gyöngyi Szabó-Földesi, professor (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Tamás Dóczy, PhD student (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Marina Sirko, teacher (Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism, Moscow, Russia)
  • Dr. Tamás Sterbenz, associate professor (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. József Pucsok, professor (National Institute for Sports Medicine, Budapest)
  • Dr. Erzsébet Rétsági, associate professor (University of Pécs, Institute of Physical Education and Sport Science, Faculty of Natural Science)
  • Dr. József Tihanyi, professor (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Walter Tokarski, professor (Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln)
  • Attila Velenczei, PhD student (National Institute for Young Talents, Budapest)
  • Yan-chun Li, associate professor (Bejing Sport University, China)
2025. Hungarian University of Sports Science.
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