ISCSS 2008

Program | Results

We are pleased to invite you to the 18th International Congress on Sports Sciences for Students. It will be held at the Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education, Budapest Hungary, April, 25-26, 2008. The Scientific Committee of the Congress invites papers in the following fields:

  • Sport Physiology
  • Human Movement Sciences
  • Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy
  • Social Sciences and Sport History
  • Teaching Methods and Training Methods

We welcome any materials to the congress (lecture, video, poster, etc.) from Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. students as well as Professors, for the round-table discussion. Conference language is English. Lecture time is 10 minutes.


Thursday, 2008. April 24

  • 19:00    Dinner at the Student Hotel

Friday, 2008. April 25

  • 8:00     Breakfast at the Student Hotel
  • 9:00     Registration
  • 10:30   Opening ceremony
  • 12:30   Lunch at the Student Hotel
  • 13:00   Late registration
  • 13:45   Rooms are open for participants
  • 14:00   Sections for bachelor and master students
  • 17:30   Round-Table Discussion Introduction of Professors and their Universities
  • 20:00   Dinner at a restaurant.

Saturday 2008. April 26

  • 7:30     Breakfast at the Student Hotel
  • 8:30     Sections for PhD students
  • 10:30   Scientific Round-Table Discussion for Professors. Chair: Prof. Ken Hardman
  • 13:00   Closing ceremony (Main Building, room Díszterem) Banquet (Main Building, room 43)
  • 16:00   Cultural program, sight-seeing
  • 19:30   Dinner at the Student Hotel
  • 20:30   Rudas Bath

Sunday 2008. April 27

  • 8:00     Breakfast at the Student Hotel
Bachelor and Master section

Sport for people with Disability (Inclusive Physical Activity) – 2:00 p.m, Room 37.

  1. Ilona Dzich: Paralympic sport and sports environment
  2. Károly Cserjés-Diána Szemeti: Movement Intensity and Calorie Expenditure of  Young Disabled and Non-Disabled Adults
  3. Sorina Adascalitei, I. Cristache, M. Stoicescu: Study about the Relationship between Psychomotor Capacity and School Results at the Children with Mental Disabilities
  4. Valeria Balan, Dumitru Vasilescu: Premises for Developing Inclusive Physical Education In Romania
  5. Kinga Kiszela: Physical Education Students’ Knowledge and their Opinion from the Hyperactivity and the Integration of Hyperactive Students

Training and Testing (Motor Learning) – 2:00 p.m, Assembly Hall

  1. Irina Punko: Tests Used for Assessment of Coordination Abilities
  2. Júlia Kiss: Study of gymnastic-specific motor skills among kindergarten children
  3. Jerzy Mieńkowski: A Comparison of Motor Coordination in Boys of Three Age Groups Practicing Recreational Archery
  4. Gabriella Gelencsér: Experiences of the Application of Cooper Test and Shuttle Run at 2-4 Graders Student
  5. Eszter Szabó: Physical development and motor performance of primary school girls according to birth season
  6. Małgorzata Kinga Latoszek: The psychomotor efficiency of the members of Mazowsze Voivodoship Team of Juniors in Canoeing
  7. Gębska Elżbieta: Physical Ability of Policemen/women between the age of 20 and 30
  8. Zsófia Király: Diving training methodology in Hungary
  9. Ewa Jankowska: The relation of the fitness instructors’ level of physical fitness to their life style
  10. Mátyás Árva: The Importance of the Rebounds in Basketball
  11. Heim Attila: Effectiveness of defensive blocking in elite handball teams
  12. Tomáš Malý, P. Hráský, F. Zahálka, Č. Miroslav: The Speed of the Serve in National Women Volleyball Team And its Comparison between Training and Competition Conditions (Poster)
  13. Novarina Massimilano, Grassini M., Eid L., Crescentini A.,  Lovecchio N.: Sit and Reach Flexibility Test: Results of High School Italian Students (Poster)
  14. Grassini Marco, Novarina M., Eid L., Crescentini A., Lovecchio N.: Sit-Up Test: Results of High School Italian Students (Poster)

Exercise Physiology – 2:00 p.m, room 60.

  1. Anita Hosnyánszki: Characteristics of  the Athletes’ Heart in Different Artistic Branches of Sports
  2. Olesya Kolesnik: Physiological Mechanisms and Methods of Realization Hypoxy Training of Athletes
  3. Krisztián Papp: Establishing of Latin-American Dancing’s burdenstructure based on a scrutinize during a competition and previous measuring
  4. Szilvia Molnár: Pulse Responses of the Motion Forms by Middle Age Females
  5. János Rikk: Body Composition and Cardio-Vascular Indicators of Middle-Aged Males and Females
  6. Csaba Pecsi: Effects of Creatine Monohydrate Supplementation on Sport Performance
  7. Marko Balan: Activation of Nuclear Factor kappa B in the Myocardium Following Exercise
  8. Petronella Bartók: The Importance of Prevention in Kindergarten PE Lessons
  9. Valeria Balan: Advantages of water physical exercises programs on rehabilitation of sportsmen’s injuries

Sport Kynesiology – 2:00 p.m, room 62.

  1. Yu-Ting Chen & Chung-Yu Chen: Does the Logarithmic Speed-Accuracy Trade-Off Occur in One Dimension Dragging Task?
  2. Yu-Ting Chen & Chung-Yu Chen: Effects of Reaction Time under Various Indexes of Difficulty for One Dimension Dragging Task
  3. Wei-Shun Tai & Chung-Yu Chen: The Characteristics of Ground Reaction Force for Jump Shooting
  4. János Négyesi, J. Matlák: Effect of the induced pretension with various types of contraction for the concentric speed
  5. Andrea Póka: Variances of reaching arm movements with load and without load
  6. Yi-Chieh Lin & Chung-Yu Chen: Gender Difference in Vertical Jump as Function of Arm Swing and Stretch Shortening Cycle for Middle/Later Children
  7. Dóra Ureczky: Relationship between eccentric training induced muscle damage variables and fibre composition
  8. Elena Mitrikovskih, Abdullaev V., Gatsunaev A., Simerhzi D., Sorokin S., Radzievich A.: Kinematics  and metabolic cost in walking (Poster
  9. Pavel Hráský: Comparison the Assessment of Asymmetries in Body Composition by Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis and Kinesilology Testing Procedure by Young Soccer Players (Poster)

Social Sciences – 2:00 p.m, room 43.

  1. Paweł Brodzki, R, Adamski: Correlation between self efficiency, optimism and phisicall skills
  2. Dóra Boldizsár, K. Fábi, A. Lerch: Empirical Examination of Gymnasts’ Emotions Connected with Sport
  3. Shelly Burns, T.Gnanalingam, M. Ibrahim, S. Kulasingham, A. Puckrin, A. Tulloch: Coping with Stress: Strategies Used by Varsity Coaches
  4. Tamás Orbán: Domino Day, Perfection in Team Building
  5. Zsófia Selmeczi: Body culture of Mesoamerican Indians
  6. Marco Nobre-Goncalo Gomes: Geographical Backgrounds of Athletic Results in Portugal
  7. Marius Stoicescu: Physical exercise – an adaptation factor to the recent changes of the environment
  8. Veronika Czabai: The Károly Eszterházy College’s Students’ Habits of Physical Activities
  9. Marc Esteve, Xavier Orrit: The Sports Critic’s Observatory: An E-Learning Project
  10. Stephanie Cook: Creating Positive Spaces for LGBTQ Athletes: An Investigation of International Olympic Committees’ Gender and Sexuality Policies
  11. Nikolaus Ladenhauf: Changes in Society and their Impacts on Emergency Medical Services in Rural Areas of Austria
  12. Anna Kovacs: Comparison of the „Independent European Sport Review” and the Hungarian Practice through the DVSC Football Team
PhD section

Life Science – 8:30 a.m. Assembly Hall

  1. Tamás Csányi, P. Vári: BMI values and physical activity in ten year olds, as a function of school choice
  2. Márta Ránky: Quantity and Quality Problems of Supplementary Consumption for Elite Athletes
  3. Katalin Rácz: Comparative Analysing of the Results of the Rey Complex Figure Test in the Mirror of School Maturity
  4. Constanta Urzeala: Aspects Regarding the Improvement of the Neuromuscular Control in Aerobics Gymnastics
  5. Erika Koltai,  Zs. Szabo, Zs. Lacza, A. Cselenyak, S. Goto: The Role of Sirtuins in Aged Exercise Trained and IGF-1 Treated Rat Skeletal Muscle
  6. Barbara Varga-Pintér, Zs. Kneffel, H. Németh, P. Horváth: Resting Blood Pressure, Cardiac Output and Total Peripheral Resistance in Water Athletes

Social Science – 8:30 a.m. room 37.

  1. Ivan Čuk, Almir Atiković: Artistic Gymnastics Examination Software at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
  2. Eleonóra Murányi: Comparative Analysis of Static Strength and Passive Stretching Ability in 13-14-year Old Students
  3. Norbert Kovács, A. Németh, A. Potyondi: Investigation of the Track and Field Relevant Disciplines at the University
  4. Marina Udalova: Formation of Students’ Professional Practical Foreign Language Skills at the University of Physical Education of Russia While Joining the  Bologna Process
  5. Nikolett Onyestyák: Olympic absences in 1920 and 1984 – exclusion, boycott or non-participation?

Scientific Round-Table Discussion (Professors) – 10:30 a.m. room 37.

  1. Sáringerné Dr. Zsuzsanna Szilárd: The role of exercise in conductive education
  2. Celebi Muberra: Teamwork & Problem Solved Based Activities in Recreation
  3. Miklós Bánhidi: Lifecoder as an Easy Tool Measuring Active Lifestyle
  4. Dilşad Mirzeoğlu,  Işıl Aktağ: Multıple Intellıgence In Physıcal Educatıon Classroom
  5. Cazzoli Stefania, Sergio Cecchin: Physical Education Teacher: Initial  and Continous  Training


Sport for People with Disability (Inclusive Physical Activity) (Bachelor and Master Students)
Chair: Dr. József Buday Members: Stefania Cazzoli, Dr. Anna Farkas, Éva Relle Nyerges

  1. Kinga Kiszela (TF, Hungary): Physical Education Students’ Knowledge and their Opinion from the Hyperactivity and the Integration of Hyperactive Students
  2. Ilona Dzich (Poland): Paraolympic Sport and Sports Environment
  3. Sorina Adascalitei, I. Cristache, M. Stoicescu (Romania): Study about the Relationship between Psychomotor Capacity and School Results at the Children with Mental Disabilities

Training and Testing (Motor Learning) (Bachelor and Master Students)
Chair: Dr. Csaba Istvánfi Members: Dr. Isil Aktag, Gábor Géczi, Dr. Tamás Szabó

  1. Attila Heim (TF, Hungary): Effectiveness of Defensive Blocking in Elite Handball Teams
  2. Jerzy Mieńkowski (Poland): A Comparison of Motor Coordination in Boys of Three Age Groups Practicing Recreational Archery
  3. Júlia Kiss (TF, Hungary): Study of Gymnastic-Specific Motor Skills among Kindergarten Children
    Különdíj: Ewa Jankowska (Poland): The Relation of the Fitness Instructors’ Level of Physical Fitness to Their Life Style

Exercise Physiology (Bachelor and Master Students)
Chair: Dr. Jack Goodman Members: Dr. Viktória Kovács, Dr. Miklós Tóth, Dr. Márta Wilhelm

  1. Marko Balan (Canada): Activation of Nuclear Factor kappa B in the Myocardium Following Exercise
  2. Csaba Pécsi (TF, Hungary): Effects of Creatine Monohydrate Supplementation on Sport Performance
  3. Anita Hosnyánszki (TF, Hungary): Characteristics of  the Athletes’ Heart in Different Artistic Branches of Sports
    Különdíj: János Rikk (Győr, Hungary): Body Composition and Cardio-Vascular Indicators of Middle-Aged Males and Females

Sport Kinesiology (Bachelor and Master Students)
Chair: Dr. Zsolt RadákMembers: Dr. Veronika Börzsei, Dr. Csaba Nyakas, Dr. Lukasz Trzaskoma

  1. Dóra Ureczky (TF, Hungary): Relationship Between Eccentric Training Induced Muscle Damage Variables and Fibre Composition
  2. Elena Mitrikovskih, V. Abdullaev, A. Gatsunaev, D. Simerhzi, S. Sorokin, A. Radzievich (Russia): Kinematics  and Metabolic Cost in Walking
  3. Yu-Ting Chen (Tajvan): Does the Logarithmic Speed-Accuracy Trade-Off Occur in One Dimension Dragging Task?
    Különdíj: János Négyesi, J. Matlák (TF, Hungary): Effect of the Induced Pretension with Various Types of Contraction for the Concentric Speed

Social Sciences (Bachelor and Master Students)
Chair: Dr. Gyöngyi  Szabó Földesi Members: Tamás Dóczy,  Dr. Ken Hardman, Dr. Celebi Muberra

  1. Stephanie Cook (Canada): Creating Positive Spaces for LGBTQ Athletes: An Investigation of International Olympic Committees’ Gender and Sexuality Policies
  2. Anna Kovacs (TF, Hungary): Comparison of the „Independent European Sport Review” and the Hungarian Practice through the DVSC Football Team
  3. Dóra Boldizsár, K. Fábi, A. Lerch (TF, Hungary): Empirical Examination of Gymnasts’ Emotions Connected with Sport
    Különdíj: Marc Esteve, Xavier Orrit (Spain): The Sports Critic’s Observatory: An E-Learning Project
    Különdíj: Marco Nobre-Goncalo Gomes (Portugal): Geographical Backgrounds of Athletic Results in Portugal
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