ISCSS 2018

Programme | Results

Dear Student-researchers! It is my great pleasure to invite you - on behalf of the University of Physical Education - to participate at the 23rd International Student Conference on Sport Sciences (ISCSS-2018) in April 27, 2018. The conference will be held on the campus of our university, which is located close to the historical area of the city, on the hilly side of the beautiful Budapest, west to the Danube River.

It is a tradition of our University to bring together young student-researchers from UPE, and other Sport Institutions in Hungary and that of neighboring countries to present their results obtained  in various fields of sportsciences. The ISCSS-2018 will provide valuable opportunities to exchange ideas, concepts and research findings, primarily by oral presentations. Also, it is our hope that the discussions will lead to future research collaborations and joint projects among the participants.

Previous participants can tell you about the great international spirit and vitality of these conferences and not to mention the fun they experienced in Budapest.

There will be plenary and invited speakers and the topics are carefully selected by the International Program Committee to represent all important aspects of research related to sportsciences. The program and other information can be soon found here.

Come and join us at the ISCSS-2018! More detailed information will follow soon. We are looking forward to seeing you in Budapest. Please save the date!

Akos Koller, president of the Students’ Scientific Association (TDK)


Programme and abstract brochure >>>


  • 8:00-8:30 Registration, Welcome coffee (uploading the presentations)
  • 8:30-8:40 Opening Ceremony (Hepp Ferenc Room)
    • Prof. Dr. h. c. Lajos Mocsai, Rector
    • Prof. Dr. Ákos Koller
  • 8:40-9:30 Invited Speakers (Hepp Ferenc Room) Chair: Prof. Dr. Ákos Koller
  • 8:40-9:05 Dr. Karsten Froberg, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark: The importance of physical activity in children and young people
  • 9:05-9.30 Prof. Ines Drenjancevic, Faculty of Medicine, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia: The effect of n-3 PUFA supplementation on physical performance and microvascular function
  • 9:30-11:00 Students’ Sections
    • Section 1: Research on Sports Management (Hepp Ferenc Room)
    • Section 2: Biomechanics and Health Science in Sport (1st floor Room 37)
  • 11:00-11:20 Coffee Break
  • 11:20-12:50 Students’ Sections
    • Section 3: Social Science and Sports (Hepp Ferenc Room)
    • Section 4: Physiology in Sport Science (1st floor Room 37)
  • 13:00-14:00 Lunch
  • 14:00-14:45 Closing Ceremony, Awards (Hepp Ferenc Room)
    • Prof. dr. h.c Lajos Mocsai
    • Prof. Ákos Koller
    • Dr. habil Gábor Géczi
    • Dr. Lukas Tzarkoma
    • Prof. Dr. Jerzy Kosiewicz
    • Prof. Dr. Karsten Froberg


Section 1: Research on Sports Management (committee: Dr. habil Gábor Géczi (Chair), Dr. Csaba Bartha, Dr. Zsuzsanna Kalmár)

  • 1. Kristóf Világi (supervisor: Dr. Tamás Sterbenz): SAUS Hungary - Mapping the Hungarian sport analytics and sport IT level, creating a development plan to apply sport analytics
  • 2. Brigitta Cseh (supervisor: Lili Kassay): Hungarian and foreign participants to the extreme obstacle running race with dogs, Hard Dog Race
  • 3. Viktor Berezvai (Supervisor: Dr. Péter Farkas): Correlation analysis of students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in European countries

Section 2: Biomechanics and Health Science in Sport (committee: Dr. Lukas Tzarkoma (Chair), Dr. Martina Uvacsek, Dr. Sándor Sáfár)

  • 1. Christian Wester (supervisor: Anders Grøntved): Development and Validation of a Questionnaire to Assess Leisure Time Screen-based Media Use in Children
  • 2. Dániel Csala, Bálint Kovács (supervisor: Dr. József Tihanyi): Impact of hip extension and tibial rotation on regional hamstrings activity – implications for EMG normalization
  • 3. Chang Yin (supervisor: Prof. Ákos Koller): A case report of the usefulness of conservative therapies of herniated intervertebral disc (HIVD) in a male gymnast

Section 3: Social Science and Sports (committee: Prof. Dr. Jerzy Kosiewicz (Chair), Dr. Katalin Kovács, Dr. Gabriella Tzraskoma-Bicsérdy)

  • 1. Vivien Eszter Taylor, Veronika Kiss (supervisor: Dr. Ottó Benczenleitner, László Tóth, Dániel Mezei): Attitudes towards doping – a comparison of athletes, nonathletes, and sport experts
  • 2. Magdelena Krawiec (supervisor: Anna Kuk, Lilla Török): Occupational burnout among physical education teachers in Warsaw and Athens
  • 3. Botond Ágoston Nagy, Ágost Benedek Nagy (supervisor: Judit Balogh): A possible investigational method of the improvement of the performance in the youth basketball program, with the simultaneous use of a complex conditional and special shooting programs
  • Special award: Gábor Almási (supervisor: Dr. Anna Farkas, Dr. Márta Szmodis): Coach preferences in Hungarian water sports

Section 4: Physiology in Sport Science (committee: Prof. Dr. Karsten Froberg (Chair), Dr. Anna Farkas, Dr. Erika Koltai)

  • 1. Péter Bakonyi (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Zsolt Radák): The effects of blood flow restriction training on the genetic markers of thigh extensor muscle
  • 2. Erna Davidovics Cvetko (supervisor: Prof. Ines Drenjančević): Effects of eightweek intensive aerobic exercise on bone metabolism and body composition in college students
  • 3. Márk Kántor (supervisor: Dr. Ákos Koller, Dr. Ádám Lelbach): Regular physical activity as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases


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