ISCSS 2004

Program | Results

The ICSSS 2004 Conference will gather students and top experts from all over the world to discuss and to share their experiences and new ideas in the broad field of physical education and sport sciences.

The accepted abstracts by the Scientific Committee will be grouped according to the invited fields.


Full section program and abstracts >>>

April 22, 2004 (Thursday)

Arrival: to the Student Hotel of the Semmelweis University of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (TF) at Budapest
Address: Budapest XII. District, Alkotas út 44.
19:00 Dinner at the Student Hotel

April 23, 2004 (Friday)

8:00 Registration (Main Building, room 39)
8:30 Breakfast at the Student Hostel
10:00 Opening ceremony in the Auditorium

Greeting by Dr. Mihály Nyerges, dean of (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences)
Prof. Zsolt Radák: What made Leonardo a genius?
Prof. Kong Zhao-wei: 21 days of improved exercise performance in Chinese National Runners after altitude training
László Szalma: Biomechanical analysis of Track and Field Jumpings

12:00 Round-Table Discussion for Professors, Main Building, Council room
13:15 Lunch at the Student Hostel
14:00 Sections

    Coffee-breaks are in the Main Building, room 39.

18:00 Round-Table Discussion for Professors, Council room

19:30 Dinner at the Restaurant Zsoltudvar (Address: Budapest XII. District, Str. Zsolt 8/b.)
Menu: Green Salad, Turkey with Budapest style, Dessert, 1 glass wine or beer or soft drink
Note: A separate vegetarian menu will be available. Additional food and/or drinks will be at your own cost.

April 24, 2004 (Saturday)

8:00 Breakfast at the Student Hotel
9:00 Sections at the Student Hostel

    Coffee-breaks are in the Main Building

14:00 Closing ceremony (Main Building, Assembly Hall) Banquet (Main Building, roomm 43)
16:00 Sightseeing
19:30 Dinner at the Student Hostel


Sport Psychology Section

  1. (GYISM, MSTT) Bence Takács (TF, Hungary): Branch Of Sport Preference Examination In Three Age Groups Of Kindergarten Children
  2. (MSTT, MOB) Dora Gergelics and Viktoria Zámbo (ELTE, Hungary): I Could If I Would. The Twenty Best Excuses Of The Lazy People
  3. (MOB) Andrius Mikalauskas (Lituania): The Peculiarities Of Intercourse Between Athletes And Coach

Különdíj (Magyar Edzők Társasága): Fiona Moola (Toronto, Canada): “fighting the dragon”: the role of physical activity in the treatment of depression in the elderly

Exercise Physiology & Nutrition Section

  1. (GYISM) Zsófia Müller (ELTE, Hungary): Dietary habits of preadolescent children
  2. (MSTT, OM)  Eszter Völgyi, Lea Kalla (TF, Hungary): Running performance in lean and obese boys
  3. (OM) Trevor Hanel (Cederfals, USA): Ethnic differences in physique and running performance

Különdíj (NUPI, MSTT): Hermenegildo Ricardo Lino de Sousa, Moreira Paulino Guerreiro Belchior(Portugal): Environmental influence on outdoor activities

Sport & Quality of Life Section

  1. (GYISM) Andrea Demeter (Pecs, Hungary):International Comparative Study on Life-style
  2. (MSTT) Eleonóra Murányi (TF, Hungary): Affectivity of primary and secondary school students towards school pyshical education
  3. (MOB) Efstathios Christodoulides (TF, Hungary): Leisure Sports Opportunities In Cyprus

Különdíj (MSTT, MOB): Noémi Keresztes, Zsuzsanna Pluhar, Bettina Pikó (Szeged, Hungary): middle school  aged children’s relationship to sports activity - motivations, practices and possibilites

Adaptation to Exercise Section

  1. (GYISM, MSTT) Demetris Demetriou, Szilvia Gita (TF, Hungary): Determination of intensity zones and lactic acid tolerance in young (16-18 year old) Hungarian soccer players
  2. (MSTT) A.I. Mironenko (Moscow, Russia): The Biomechanical analysis of landing position in horizontal athletics jumps(MSTT): André Mateus (Portugal): Cartography of the Soccer European          Championship 2004
  3. (MOB) Éva Fekete (TF, Hungary): Some Experience How To Instruct Novice Pole Vaulters

Kinesiology & Sport Medicine Section

  1. (GYISM, MOB) J. Witt, E. O’Donnell, S. Thomas, C.D. Rodgers, M. J. De Souza (Toronto, Canada):Depressed Sympathetic Stimulation In Amenorrheic Females Compared To Eumenorrheic Females As Measured By Heart Rate Variability
  2. (MSTT, OM) Zsófia Onyestyák, Anna Iljicsov (SOTE, Hungary): Lactic Acidosis, Lactaciduria And Changes In Anion-Gap During Exercise

Különdíj (Magyar Edzők Társasága): Eszter Sarlós, Éva Bulcsu, Apolka Szentirmay (TF, Hungary): The Influence Of Physical Activity On Osteoporosis In Female University Students

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