ISCSS 2006

Program | Results | Committees

We are pleased to invite you to the 17th International Congress on Sports Sciences for Students. It will be held at the Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education, Budapest Hungary, April, 21-22, 2006. The Scientific Committee of the Congress invites papers in the following fields:

  • Sport Physiology
  • Human Movement Sciences
  • Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy
  • Social Sciences and Sport History
  • Teaching Methods and Training Methods

We welcome any materials to the congress (lecture, video, poster, etc.) from Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. students as well as Professors, for the round-table discussion. Conference language is English. Lecture time is 10 minutes.


April 20, 2006 (Thursday)

Arrival to the Student Hotel of the Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (TF) at Budapest. Address: Budapest XII. District, Alkotás utca 44.
19:00 Dinner at the Student Hotel

April 21, 2006 (Friday)

8:30 Breakfast at the Student Hotel
9:00 Registration (Main Building, room 39)
10:30 Opening ceremony in the Auditorium

Greeting by Dr. Mihály Nyerges, dean

  • The offical opening of the Congress by Dr. Attila Ábrahám, president of the National Sports Office
  • Dr. László Nádori professor emeritus
  • Dr. Thomas Scott professor
  • Tamás Sterbenz assistant lecturer

12:45 Lunch at the Student Hotel
14:00 Sections

  • Social Science Section (Bachelor and Master students) (Main Building, room 43)
  • Kinesiology & Sports Medicine Section (Bachelor and Master students) (Main Building, Assembly Hall)
  • Social Science, Kinesiology & Sports Medicine Section (PhD students) (Main Building, Council room)

(Coffee-breaks are in the Main Building, room 39)

19:00 Dinner at the “PAULANER PUB & RESTAURANT” (Address: Budapest, XII. District, MOM Park, Alkotás utca 53.) – Note: A separate vegetarian menu will be available. One glass beer or soft drink is included in the menü. Additional food and/or drinks will be at your own cost.

April 22, 2006 (Saturday)

8:00 Breakfast at the Student Hotel
9:00 Sections

  • Sport & Quality of Life Section (Main Building, Assembly Hall)
  • Physical Education Section (Main Building, Council room)
  • Adaptation to Exercise Section (Main Building, room 43)

Coffee-breaks are in the (Main Building, room 39)

13:00 Round-Table Discussion for Professors, Main Building, Council room
14:00 Closing ceremony (Main Building, Assembly Hall)
14:30 Banquet (Main Building, room 43)
16:00 Sightseeing in the Castle district
19:00 Dinner at the Student Hotel
22:00 Rudas (Turkish) Bath

Additional materials: Detailed program of the sections | All abstracts



  1. Orphanos Yiannakis (Ciprus, TF): The Impact of the European Union on Sport in Limassol (Supervisor:: Dr. Gyöngyi Szabó-Földesi)
  2. Panayiotis Shippi (Ciprus, TF): Comparison of Cypriot and Hungarian Elite and Retired Gymnasts Starting their Sporting Career (Supervisor: Dr. Gyöngyi Szabó­Földesi)
  3. Dimitriy Udalov (Moszkva, Russia): Evolution of Sport in World PoliticsKülöndíj: Nikolett Onyestyák (TF): The Stolen Gold Medalsolimpics in the „Small Cold War” (Supervisor: Dr. Katalin Szikora)


  1. Kalina Kaźmierska, Magdalena Bogdan (Poland): Evaluation of anaerobic performance and special physical fitness in individuals with quadriplegia (Supervisor: Dr. Andrej Kosmol, Dr. Natalia Morgulec)
  2. Hicham Dalloul, Dóra Uretczky (SOTE, TF): Gene expression alterations due to eccentric exercise induced muscle damage (Supervisor: Dr. JózsefTihanyi)
  3. Sándor Sáfár (TF): Effect of whole body vibration on mechanical characteristics of knee extensors (Supervisor: Dr. JózsefTihanyi)Különdíj: Éva Bakács (SOTE): Echocardiographic parameters as a function of physical fitness level (Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Pavlik)


Különdíj: Hajnalka Nemeth, Hatsue Saito, Mayuko Kimura, Akira Maki, Susumu Ito, Toshifumi Takenaka (TF, Japán): Recovery – time constant and amplitude characteristics to short-term breath-holding during dynamic leg-exercise (Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Pavlik)


  1. Szilvia Szabó (TF): Eating Disorders and Bodyweight Problems among Hungarian Competitive Skaters (Supervisor: Dr. Ágota Lénárt
  2. Mariah Ritter, Joao Santos (USA, Portugal): Combating Childhood and Adolescent Obesity: Comparing Fitness Levels and Body Composition of Hungarian Children to American Children (Supervisor: Dr. Ferenc Ihász, Dr. Kevin Finn)
  3. Paweł Brodzki (Poland): Emotional intelligence, temperament and self efficiency of footballersKülöndíj: Vikenty Kolenko (Ukrania): Psychological Selection Criteria in Track and Field, as Applied to Running Events


  1. Anikó Huszár (TF): Adult health consciousness and behavior or the effects of physical education on adulthood life style in Hungary and Finland (Supervisor: Dr. Józszef Bognár)
  2. Valeria Balan, Corina Ciolca (Romania): Games Contribution to the Moral Development of Institutionalized Children
  3. Dora Gergelics and Viktoria Zambo (ELTE): Development but which way? Forwards or backwards? (Supervisor: Dr. Júlia Bősze)Különdíj: Anikó Versics (TF): Training and sporting habits of 11 and 18-year old girls attending state and religious schools /A comparative analysis/ (Supervisor: Dr. Pál Hamar)


  1. Balázs Barina (Pécs): Survey of Technics of Olympic and few Hungarian Top Paddlers (Supervisor: Dr. Miklós Bánhidi)
  2. AgnieszkaDabrowska-Perzyna (Poland): The level of jumping and speed abilities in girls doing figure skating(Supervisor: Dr. Tatyana Polishchuk)
  3. AgnieszkaDabrowska (Poland): The level of physical efficiency of individuals with disabilities in Polish Wheelchair Basketball (Supervisor: Dr. Bartosz Molik)

    Különdíj: Marc Mazzucco (Canada): The Impact of the Disability Movement of the 1970s on the Transformation of Physical Activity in North America


Members of the organizing committee

  • Dr. Zsolt Radák , vice-dean for scientific and foreign affairs (Semmelweis University Faculty of  Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Katalin Kovács , associate professor, President of the Scientific Committee (Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Istvánné Varga , coordinator (Semmelweis University Faculty of  Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Anna Toldy, coordinator (Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Zsuzsanna Vargha, coordinator (Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • László Révész , PhD student (Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)

Members of the scientific committee

  • Dr. Susan Bandy, visiting professor (Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Anikó Barabás , associate professor (Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Miklós Bánhidi , college professor (University of West Hungary, Apáczai Csere János Teacher Training College, Győr)
  • Dr. Rick Bevis, professor ( Malaspina University College, Canada)
  • Melinda Bíró, PhD student (Eszterházy Károly Teacher Training College, Eger)
  • Dr. Anna Farkas , researcher (Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. János Farkas , professor emeritus (Budapest Technical and Economical University)
  • Dr. Gyöngyi Szabó-Földesi , professor (Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Csaba Istvánfi , professor (Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Susumo Ito, professor (Kokushikan University, Japan)
  • Dr. Katalin Keresztesi , associate professor (Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Jerzy Kosiewicz, professor (Akademia Wichowania Fizycnego, Warsaw)
  • Sergei Litvinov, PhD student (Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism)
  • Dr. Éva Martos , director general (National Institute of Food Safety and Nutrition, Budapest)
  • Dr. Bartosz Molik, Ph.D. student (Józef Piłsudski Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw)
  • Dr. László Nádori, professor emeritus (Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Csaba Ökrös, Ph.D. student (Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Júlia Pápai , senior research fellow (National Institute for Young Talents, Budapest)
  • Dr. József Pucsok , professor (National Institute for Sports Medicine, Budapest)
  • Dr. Mariann Reigl, associate professor (Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Erzsébet Rétsági, associate professor(University of Pécs, Institute for Physical Education and Sport)
  • Dr. Thomas Scott, associate professor (University of Toronto Faculty of Physical Education and Health)
  • Dr. Kornél Sipos, professor (Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. Henriette Dancs-Szegner, PhD student(Berzsenyi Dániel Teacher Training College, Szombathely)
  • Márk Váczi, PhD student, (Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, TF)
  • Dr. István Vingender, associate professor (Semmelweis University, College of Health Care, Budapest)
  • Dr. Márta Wilhelm, associate professor (University of Pécs, Institute for Physical Education and Sport)
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