
2020. August

Jury members for the FISU World Forum Student Project selected

Jury members for the FISU World Forum Student Project selected

The names of the delegates of the Evaluation Committee (Jury) of the Forum’s Student Project have been revealed. The Organising Committee (CO) of the event is represented by Hungarian FISU Student Ambassador Sabina D’Ess.

The UPE has won a significant number of international mobilities

The UPE has won a significant number of international mobilities

As part of the 2020 ERASMUS + International Credit Mobility Application (ICM) announced by the Tempus Public Foundation, we have submitted a large number of applications with our partners in many countries around the world with the aim of finding support for two-way mobilities outside the European Union. The awarded amount of support is € 49,835 (17.7 million HUF) and two full years will be available from 1 August 2020 for the mobilities to be realized in both directions.

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