
2019. April

Meeting the Amassador of Colombia and Georgia

Meeting the Amassador of Colombia and Georgia

The new Ambassador of Colombia, Hon. Ana Piedad Jaramillo Restreo and Hon. Zaal Gogsadze, Ambassador of Georgia have briefly discussed the existing and newly developing academic relations of their countries and the University of Physical Education, Budapest, with Dr Judit Kadar, Director of international relations at UPE.

A successful international event

A successful international event

The International Days held for the third time, put emphasis on existing and new partnerships, as well as the exchange of information on opportunities for faculty mobility.

Austrian-Hungarian Symposium on Everyday Physical Education

Austrian-Hungarian Symposium on Everyday Physical Education

In the partnership between the two higher education institutions, an important event has taken place on 28th of March, 2019 in Eisenstadt. The bilingual symposium of the University of Physical Education (UPE) and the Pädagogische Hochschule Burgenland (PHB) has been organized around the topic of everyday physical education.

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