
2016. November

University Sports Festival Budapest 2016

University Sports Festival Budapest 2016

Let’s move together – this was the slogan of University Sports Festival Budapest organised for the first time by ELTE (Eötvös Loránd University), Erasmus Student Network ELTE and BEAC (Budapest University Athletics Club) on 27 November.  More than 200 foreign students of 14 higher education institutions of Budapest were training together at the festival in ELTE sports hall.

Knowledge Transfer and Academic Mobility in the 21st Century

Knowledge Transfer and Academic Mobility in the 21st Century

On 19 November, 2016. ENAM (European Network of American Alumni Associations) held its conferece entitled “Knowledge Transfer and Academic Mobility in the 21st Century.”

Swimming Hall of Fame Honors

Swimming Hall of Fame Honors

Our colleague, Agnes Kovacs, was the host of the 52nd annual International Swimming Hall of Fame Honors Weekend on October 28th-30th in America’s Top Swim City, Santa Clara, California.

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